Wednesday, September 25, 2013

|Music+Entertainment| - [DOWNLOAD] Rocktown Music – BLW (Frank Edwards ft Gil & Nkay)

Rich-boy | Franklin Edwards


  .  .  . New song for [DOWNLOAD]

Frank Edwards: Rock-town Records

Rocktown Records, a Frank Edward owned music record label has released a new single titled “BLW” featuring Frank Edwards, Gil and NKay. The song also features the voice of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy.

Download, Enjoy the tune and share with friends


•LadiesNote• SEASON-FIVE |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Things the ladies should know.

- The Rules of the ladies - #Season 5

• The only way to forget is to accept; and the only way to move on is to look ahead.
• If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it.
• Be there for your friends when they need it. It’ll mean the world to them.
• If you don’t do foolish things while you’re young, you won’t have anything to smile about when you’re old.
• Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday.
• Just because you’ve failed once, it doesn’t mean you’re going to fail at everything.
• Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.
• There are two ways to live: You can either live as if nothing’s a miracle or live as if everything’s a miracle.
• We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
• Your face is not a coloring book. Go easy on the make up or you’ll look like a clown.
• Fall in love with someone who deserves your heart. Not someone who plays with it.
• If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them. Otherwise, be brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else.
• If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it.
• When someone sends you a nice message, be sure to reply.
• Don’t go around experimenting with people’s lives. Don’t.
• Never make someone your everything because once they are gone, you’ll have nothing.
• If you love somebody, don’t let them slip away.
• Just because he doesn’t realize it, doesn’t mean you’re not beautiful.
• Just because you’re free to say whatever you want, it doesn’t always mean you should.
• Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
• Avoid running back to that one person you need to walk away from.
• Don’t let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
• Change because you want to. Don’t change because someone wants you to.
• Laugh when you can, apologize when you should and let go of what you cannot change.
• When your friends are having problems with their relationship, the best thing to do is to stay out of it.
• Stay strong and never give up.
• Know when to let go and when to keep fighting.
• Before you get into a serious relationship, know your worth. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you.
• If you go away during someone’s struggle, don’t expect to be present during their success.
• Beauty is not measured by the amount of make up on your skin or the price of the clothes you wear. Beauty is what’s on the inside.
• Always have faith in yourself.
• The worst mistake you can make is walking away from the person who actually stood there and waited for you.
• You do not deserve a point of view if the only thing you see is you.
• Sometimes the person you want the most is also the person you’re best without.
• Just because it’s not happening right now, it doesn’t mean it never will.
• Happiness can only come from the inside of you and is the result of the love you have for yourself. You are responsible for your own happiness.
• Don’t let him have the satisfaction of knowing you’ll always be there waiting.
• Don’t waste your tears on someone who doesn’t even deserve to see your smile.
• You live but once; you might as well be amusing.

Change your Perception! RULE your World!!

#LadiesNote - SEASON FOUR |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Things the ladies should know.

- The Rules of the ladies - #Season 4

• Let your past make you better, not bitter.
• Always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
• Forget the risks and take the fall. If it’s meant to be, then it’s worth it all.
• Respect people’s feelings. Even if it doesn’t mean anything to you, it could mean everything to them.
• Until a man has done something to make you dislike or not trust him, don’t make him pay for the troubles another man caused.
• Forget what hurt you in the past. But, never forget what it taught you.
• Never let people get to you. They can’t pull the trigger if you don’t hand them the gun.
• Don’t be afraid to change. You may lose out on something good, but you might gain something even better.
• No matter how many coins you toss into the fountain or how many fingers you cross, if it’s not meant to be, it won’t happen.
• Choose who you open up to wisely. Only a few actually cares, the rest are just curious.
• Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down.
• It’s better to let someone walk away from you, than all over you.
• Treat everybody equally. Their sexual orientation should not matter.
• Always remember to smile not only because you can but also because you deserve to.
• Make wise decisions and you’ll have nothing to regret later.
• Never put someone else down to make yourself feel better.
• If a man whistles at you, do not respond. You are a lady, not a dog.
• A true lady can handle herself in the sheets, but still be classy on the streets.
• Cinderella didn’t need to take off her dress to get her Prince Charming.
• What doesn’t kill you, will only make you stronger. Remember that.
• Don’t let a stranger put words in your mouth. Say how you really feel.
• You will never be better than his mother. Don’t compete. Any man who puts his mother at number one is worth it.
• For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
• To get something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.
• You deserve to be accepted, loved and celebrated for exactly who you are.
• Do not mess with someone else’s feelings just because you’re unsure of yours.
• If you have to keep wondering where you stand with someone, maybe it’s time you stop standing and start walking.
• When in a relationship, do not ever forget about your friends.
• If you want something, don’t wish for it. Life is too short too wait.
• Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest.
• Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.
• Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness.
• Don’t take someone for granted just because every time you push them away, they’d always come running back. Because one day, they won’t.
• Fall in love when you’re ready, not when you’re lonely.
• You are stronger than you seem, braver than you believe and smarter than you think you are.
• Treat your man with the same respect he gives you. Respect his feelings and in return, he will respect you above all the rest.
• Before you assume, learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak, Think!
• If you love someone, tell him or her. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart in invested in him or her.
• Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.
• At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks as long as you’re happy.
• Dream as if you’ll live forever; Live as if you’ll die today.
• The less you care, the happier you will be.
• An ugly personality destroys a beautiful face.
• Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone’s bad qualities because they somehow complete you.
• Never look down on anyone unless you’re helping them up or looking at their shoes.
• Always listen to your heart because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right.
• Be with someone that will realize what they have when they have you, not when they’ve lost you.

Change your thinking! Change your World!!
LadiesNote, continues shortly in Season-Five.

»LadiesNote« SEASON-THREE |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Things the ladies should know.

- The Rules of the ladies - #Season 3

• Crying does not mean you are weak. Not crying does not mean you are strong. Never be afraid of being yourself.
• Every day is a fashion show and the world is your runway. So always dress your best and walk with confidence.
• Success is the best revenge.
• Never be afraid to love. You’ll sabotage yourself without knowing.
• The moment you stop looking for something, you will find it.
• It’s better to be alone and dignified, than to have companionship and be taken advantage of.
• Beauty is about living your life and being happy with yourself inside and out. Not worrying about what people think of you.
• Don’t let doubt cause you to ignore your heart. Trust your heart.
• Yelling during an argument means you’ve already lost the fight.
• Remember that if you give a second chance you’re saying that you have forgiven his past. Don't keep holding it against him.
• Don’t be upset and caught up in something you cannot change. Instead, move on and smile. You deserve to be happy.
• Your smile is the sexiest curve on your entire body.
• Love never fails. If it fails, then it’s not love.
• Be generous with expressions of gratitude such as : 'Thank You' and 'I appreciate that'.
• If there is anything a lady should blow, it should be his mind.
• Dress up, not down.
• If you love two men, choose the second, because if you fell in love with the second, then you never truly loved the first.
• Don’t expect anyone to love or respect you if you don’t fully love yourself first.
• Looks may attract them, but your personality is what keeps them there.
• Fill the void in your life with work and accomplishments, not self destruction, think of the woman you could be.
• Ladies, it’s okay to cry. Just don’t forget that God has prepared the right one for you since the day you were born.
• A bitch barks and bite. A lady behaves.
• Never make fun of a love-struck fool because one day, it could be you.
• Don’t settle for less than you deserve. Wait until you find a boy who treats you like a queen.
• It’s good to be outspoken and blunt but there’s a very fine line between being rude and honest. Never confuse the two.
• Do not let anybody who won’t be in your life for long change who you are and what you plan to do for yourself.
• Sophistication is every woman’s best wardrobe.
• Let your smile change the world. Don’t let the world change your smile.
• Humility is one of the most beautiful traits a lady should have.
• Not every person you disagree with is an enemy. Otherwise, the entire world would be at war.
• A beautiful face wrinkles and sags with time; but a beautiful heart withstands the ages.
• Don’t ever let the media tell you what your body is supposed to look like. You’re beautiful the way you are.
• Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday, face your fears and wipe your tears.
• There’s only one thing ladies should be inserting in themselves and that’s knowledge.
• It’s better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone.
• Always remember that boys aren’t necessities. They’re luxuries.
• Ladies, do not judge someone you don’t know. For all you know, today could be their last day alive.
• You’re not supposed to look back, you’re supposed to keep going.
• Never lie to someone who trusts you and never trust someone who lies to you.
• Be a lover, not a fighter, but always fight for what you love. No matter what.
• Keep calm and carry on.
• You can never fully understand what someone is going through. But, try to understand.
• Life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.
• If you’re not his only one, then he’s not the one.

Change your thinking! Change your World!!
LadiesNote, continues shortly in Season-Four.

*LadiesNote* SEASON-TWO |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Things the ladies should know.

- The Rules of the ladies - #Season 2

• No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won’t make you cry.
• Beauty get the attention, but personality gets the heart.
• You’re beautiful in every single way.
• A sincere smile is a lady’s most beautiful feature.
• It’s better to be hated for who you are than be loved for someone you’re not.
• Modesty isn’t always overrated. A little mystery never hurts anyone.
• Don’t just expect to find love, wait and it will come.
• A guy doesn’t ever have to be more than a friend, sometimes things are better that way.
• Ladies should never hit a man either. Violence isn’t classy.
• You shouldn’t need to raise your voice. If you’re dealing with a person who won’t listen unless you speak forcefully, then they aren’t worth dealing with.
• Never apologize for what you feel. It’s like saying sorry for being real.
• A man willing to do anything just to place a smile on your face is one worth keeping.
• Be happy. Someone could be falling for your smile.
• Never make a man a priority in your life if you are just an option in his.
• Talk loud enough so people can hear you, but soft enough so he’ll have to lean in closer.
• Being different doesn’t mean you’re uncanny. You’re just limited edition.
• A man forgets, but never forgives. But a lady, forgives. But never forgets.
• In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
• Always dress like you’re going to see your worst enemy.
• Leave the rumor-spreading and trash talking to Gossip Girl.
• Always arrive at a dinner party 15 minutes late. There’s nothing wrong with being fashionably late.
• Never show you’re intimidated, it shows weakness.
• Remember; the treasure doesn’t do the hunting.
• Make a man fall for your intelligence, not for your body and your double Ds.
• Always act like you are wearing an invisible crown.
• Respect from others come from self-respect.
• No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
• A lady should not swear. Class is defined by elegance and dignity, not by vulgar language.
• It’s better to know and be disappointed than to never know and always wonder.
• Being intelligent is sexy, don’t play stupid.
• Just because someone invites you to drama does not mean you have to RSVP.
• Look up the definition of sophistication. Embody it.
• Ladies, never label yourself as a dime. Keep in mind that real women don’t worry about being dimes because real mean don’t carry change.
• Remember; All limitations are self imposed.
• Be the flame, not the moth.
• A lady should never throw a punch, the world is already as cruel as it is, let the universe take care of them.
• Take a risk, even if you fall. Because if that’s what you really want, it should be worth it all.
• When asked for suggestion, don’t be afraid to give your opinion. Being assertive is an attractive feature, indecisiveness is not.
• You were born an original. Don’t become a copy.
• A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe and leaves before she is left.
• Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.
• If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn’t want you, nothing can make him stay.
• Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius. It’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
• If you must say yes, say it with an open heart. If you must say no, say it without fear.
• If he’s willing to cheat with you, he’s willing to cheat on you.

Change your thinking! Change your World!!
LadiesNote, continues shortly in Season-Three.

LadiesNote! SEASON-ONE |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Things the ladies should know.

- The Rules of the ladies - #Season 1

• A lady should be able to make a man smile with her clothes on; not necessarily when she takes it off.
• Be the woman a man needs, not the woman that needs a man.
• Always accept a compliment.
• Play hard to get; Don't be too cheap, to fall for anything.
• If he leaves or gives up on you, remember, it’s his loss. Not yours.
• If he doesn’t respect you, then you deserve better.
• You’re beautiful and no one has the rights to tell you you’re not.
• Don’t fall for a guy who isn’t willing to catch you.
• Embrace your flaws and be true to who you really are.
• Never lose faith in finding your perfect someone.
• Look like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
• Cover up! Being a mystery is more sexy than showing every inch of yourself off.
• Being single doesn’t mean you’re weak, it means you’re strong enough to wait for what you really deserve.
• The little black dress is a classic for a reason.
• A real lady holds her head high, but never her nose.
• Never underestimate the power of warm greeting.
• For the love of decency, never chew with your mouth open.
• A lady knows her limits no matter what, stick to your gun.
• If you expect him to give you girl time, expect to give him guy time.
• A subtle, yet noticeable lip bite possesses exceptional power. Use with caution.
• True beauty comes from within.
• Confidence is sexy.
• Never let a man define you. Be amazing on your own.
• You might feel worthless to one person, but you’re priceless to another. Don’t ever forget your value.
• Don’t get your hopes up, don’t let your guard down.
• If you’re not worth the trouble then he’s not the worth the time.
• Be refined, polite and well-spoken.
• Act like a lady, think like a man.
• Be classy & fabulous always.
• Always be yourself around him. If he can’t accept you for your quirks, then he’s not worth it.
• Remember; if he wants to, he will.
• Your dresses should be tight enough to show you’re a woman, but loose enough to show you’re a lady.
• If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.
• Never regret something that once made you smile.
• Be brave, be bold and the guy will be yours.
• A true lady doesn’t start fights, but sure knows how to finish them.
• Make him chase you.
• Do not stereotype guys; they’re definitely not all the same.
• Always classy. Never trashy. Just a little nasty.
• Just as men shouldn’t play with women’s heart, women shouldn’t play with men’s heart as well.
• If you don’t stand up for yourself, no one will.
• Arch your spine, and shoulders back. This is a good posture. You are not confident until you decide to be.
• Never underestimate the power of a name. Use them. Be remembered.
• You can never be beautiful unless you’re happy.
• Chew like you have a secret.
• Always have a comeback.
• Maintain your mystery; men love a good hunt.
• One can never be too classy.
• If he does not have a chance, tell him. Don’t lead him on and make him think that he has a chance when he does not.
• To the world you may just be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
• Don’t wait for Prince Charming to come and save you. Remember, being independent is more attractive to men.
• If you love him, tell him. Chances are, he’ll feel the same about you.
• Flirt with him enough to show your interest. But tease him enough to make him chase you.
• You will never find the right guy if you are looking for the wrong reasons.
• Never turn around to look back. Without doubt, he’s still looking at you.
• Skirts should be like tumblr posts; long enough to cover the subject but short enough to keep things interesting.

Change your thinking! Change your World!!
LadiesNote, continues shortly in Season-Two.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

- Guy Talk! |Love, Sex & Relationship| - Maintaining Your Relationship: Good Morning Texts, essential OR not?

Read through:
There is no denying it, every girl enjoys the sweet good morning and good night text from her special guy. A girl will appreciate knowing that she is the first person he thinks about in the morning and the last person he thinks about before he goes to sleep at night.

But is the good morning text necessary? Of course not. Just because a guy does not text his female counterpart every morning or every evening does not mean that he is not thinking of her. Life is busy and I want to personally congratulate every couple that has time to talk or spend time with each other everyday.

There is however, a clause to the good morning text. If a man decides to text his girl every morning, he can not abruptly stop without consequences. Once a girl has gotten used to his charming text when she opens her eyes in the morning, her man must keep them coming. A day or two off is fine, but not longer than that. And a man should start to notice that his sweet lady may not be as sweet as usual. Girls like consistency!

Let's be honest, the good morning text will become predictable. Just like any other long-term relationship; it takes work to keep things fresh and new.

A lady by name, Olivia Lewis once said:
[I remember at one point my guy would send the absolute mushiest good morning texts he could think of to make me laugh. I think my favorite was "good morning chipmunk cheeks"]
It doesn't matter how you do it, she will always appreciate it.

Ladies, as much as you enjoy your lovable messages in the mornings, remember not to be rude. If your man was kind enough to say that he was thinking of you when he woke up, you could respond in the same way. It is even thoughtful for you to send him the good morning text. The feelings are not dead on your part either! Men appreciate being thought about just as much as women do.

Just remember that even though the two of you may be apart, there are still ways that you can connect to say you are thinking of each other. With school and jobs life becomes hectic very quickly.

Taking the time to send a caring good morning or good night text will always score major points in the relationship.

#Start It Up Today!

Monday, September 23, 2013

something new! |Love, Sex & Relationship| - The internet and our relationship

Good Read:

Increasingly couples are citing the internet as a problem in their relationship.

Some signs that a partner may be in a relationship over the internet:
•They are spending more and more time on the internet particularly in chat rooms and those to do with sex and sexuality
•They try to hide information from you
•They have difficulty in not logging on
•They become distant, secretive or even critical of you

Some warning signs that you may be at risk of having an internet affair:
•You find yourself thinking about using the internet for purposes of making sexual contact
•You find yourself talking with one or more individuals on a regular, or pre-arranged, basis
•You make attempts to contact these individuals by other means
•You become aroused by the contact you have on line - more than with your partner
•You feel guilty about your online activities

Even though the relationship is termed "virtual", the sense that a partner is cheating on you is real and what's worse it can feel as if the 'other person' is under your roof - even if they are miles away.
The time spent on the internet is time spent away from the primary relationship, the intimacies that are shared with a virtual person don't get shared with a real partner and this leads to feelings of betrayal, rejection and worthlessness. It's not just partners that are neglected; children and friends also suffer to.

The person going online can feel they're escaping from real life problems but retreating into cyberspace only exacerbates what's happening in real life. Online relationships carry the danger of detaching you from reality - the virtual partner can become idealised, by comparison the real partner can look inferior.

Unfortunately internet relationships can lead to break-ups and whilst some of these may've happened anyway, some are mistakes - leaving real partners for virtual partners whose online personas bear little relation to what they're really like.

It's not the internet that's to blame for the rise in break-ups and relationship problems caused by online affairs. As human beings we have choices - to engage in what technology has to offer, or not. Just because technology is offering you access that is affordable and provides you with anonymity, it will not reduce the trauma of a partner discovering what they are likely to feel is as much a betrayal as a real life affair.

Tips to try if you find yourself becoming involved online or suspect a partner is:
•Consider what is going on in your primary relationship that is creating a need for cybersex
•Talk to your partner about your concerns and feelings, the areas of your relationship that are no longer working for you
•If you can't talk together then seek the assistance of a counsellor
•The internet can be addictive, try taking a moratorium from the computer or internet
•It isn't all doom and gloom though, the internet can provide an invaluable way for couples to stay in touch. Some couples who are separated through work, those in the forces for example, find the emails a great a way of maintaining their relationship.
•It also helps children to keep in touch with an absent parent. The bottom line is personal responsibility.

Hope this article blessed your life?
|Building Godly Relationships, strengthening love lives|

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-An interesting one- |Love, Sex & Relationship| I've discovered my partner is having an affair, what do I do?

•When you talk about it sit down together so that you can maintain eye contact with your partner.
•Agree to spend appropriate time talking and listening to your partner, even if you fear bad news is at hand.
•Try to ensure that there will be no interruptions while you have this conversation.
•Avoid cutting in on what your partner is saying. Let him/her finish before responding. You will undoubtedly be shocked and upset, but try not to start shouting or rush out of the room. You need to hear the full story in order to assess exactly what has happened.
•Ask your partner to tell you the truth, however painful. Recovery after an affair is always worse if initial lies are told, including lies of omission.
•Ask questions if you need to, but try to focus on facts initially, e.g. how long the affair has lasted and what your partner wants to happen now. The most urgent question for many people is “why?” but sometimes a partner cannot tell you this immediately and his/her perspective often changes over time. Avoid asking questions such as "Were they better in bed than me?" You may want answers to these kinds of questions later on, but it is better to establish the facts first and ask those questions later, when feelings are not running as high.
•Avoid immediately blaming your partner, the affair partner or yourself. It may seem tempting to hurl an insult at your partner about his/her fickleness and blame the third party as a seducer, but this often gets in the way of true understanding. You should also resist self-blame. You may wonder if your own short-comings have caused the affair, but while you were both responsible for your relationship, you can never be responsible for your partner’s behaviour choice, to have an affair. An affair can never be the “fault” of a faithful partner.
•Once you have established the facts, if your partner resolves to end the affair and re-commit to your relationship, be slow to judge. You will need to reflect on whether you are able to forgive the breach of trust and you will not yet have all the information with which to make that decision. Only after talking and establishing the reasons for the affair, will you be able to decide. You can however say that you are willing to work with your partner and try to understand why this has happened.
•There are many reasons for affairs and they happen in happy relationships as well as those where there has been discord.  Listen to what your partner is telling you and try not to make assumptions if what s/he is telling you doesn’t fit with what you have always believed about affairs. Society is changing and the context in which we live is shifting all the time.
The beliefs you may both have held for a long time might need to be challenged by this experience. Listen and reflect.

Hope this article blessed your life?
|Building Godly Relationships, strengthening love lives|

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|Alert!| - VOTE My Friend 'MABEL OKPAEFI' For Nigeria Centenary.. You All Go Vote Now!

..still one more chance to vote

You'All! Go vote my friend & sister

IF YOU HAVE NOT VOTED YESTERDAY OR TODAY.. Please there is still a chance to Vote.

Please and Please..
She has been nominated for the Nigeria Centenary Awards and needs OUR votes and support, to win.

To Vote My friend; Simply follow the steps below:


• Like the Page
• Scroll down to the 'update of Nominated names'
• Write on the comment box 'MABEL OKPAEFI'
   (By writing the name, you have successfully voted)
•Please, Vote just once.


-Procedure 1-

Click here to easily get to the NIGERIA CENTENARY Page
-Procedure 2-

When it opens, write 'MABEL OKPAEFI' as a comment.

-Procedure 3-

Scroll-up a bit and Click on 'Nigeria Centenary' & LIKE the page.

Share this link on your timeline, encourage your friends to also encourage their friends.. You'All go vote her.

•[Voting has been extended to 11:59pm today].
•[Vote her just once] - One person, One Vote!

God bless you Real good!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

|Entertainment+Music| - New song, from 'De Priest' - Download, Listen and Share.

Newly released:

De Priest, a Nigerian Gospel Musician and lecturer at the University of Port Harcourt has released a new love song “One In A Million”. The African tune is dedicated to all the good wives

De Priest - One in A Million, a song you need to listen to.
Follow the link and download, share with your friends.


Guess what we have here? |Love, Sex & Relationship| - A Surprising Solution to your Marriage Problems -

Follow-up the series..

Guest Counselor: Mort Fertel, (Founder of Marriage Fitness)

In this report you'll discover secrets for saving and restoring your marriage. Let's get started.


If you're reading a report about how to save your marriage, you're probably expecting to learn problem-solving strategies, communication techniques, and insights about gender differences. Do I have a SURPRISE for you!

The key to renewing your marriage is NONE of those things.

How do I know this? Because I experienced it!

Unlike other relationship experts who approach the topic from a clinical perspective, for me saving and restoring marriages is also very personal. I've been where you are now. I'd like to share with you my story.

My wife and I started out deeply in love. I remember staying up all night talking, surprising each other with thoughtful gifts, and speaking to each other in code words. You know the feeling of really being connected? That was us.

But then something happened that destroys most marriages. We had a son who died when he was one week old. And then we had twin daughters, who also died as newborns.

Understandably, my wife became depressed. I coped by immersing myself in work. We ran from each other emotionally.

Your situation probably was not so tragic, but something happened. What was it? How did you lose each other? Maybe you can't put your finger on it, but something is definitely not right. That's common too.

For us, after losing 3 children, everything felt different. Instead of talking all night, it was a chore to talk for a few minutes. Instead of using our code words, we used curse words. Our relationship consisted of screaming matches and silent treatments.

Somewhere deep in our hearts though, like you, we knew we didn't want to lose each other. So we made a commitment to work on our marriage. Sometimes I tried and my wife didn't. Sometimes my wife tried and I didn't. We went through different stages of "trying."

What did we try?

We tried the obligatory, "Honey, let me repeat what you said to make sure I understood you correctly." We applied conflict resolution strategies. My wife learned about Mars and I learned about Venus. We even went to therapy to wrestle with our problems. But guess what. Nothing changed. Nothing worked.

All the advice (books, counselors, whatever) asked us to confront our problems. But that just made us feel worse. And fight more.

As long as the "right" way wasn't working, why not be dysfunctional? So we tried to convince each other of our way. You've tried that too, right? Obviously, that doesn't work.

Then we had a breakthrough.

We decided to SET ASIDE OUR PROBLEMS. We didn't talk about them at all. We didn't bring them up even once. Instead, we put our energy into trying to connect. We used certain relationship techniques that transformed our marriage. Not only did we resolve our differences; we fell in love again! And we did it not by dealing with our problems (as serious as they were), but by establishing new relationship habits that brought positive energy to our marriage.

This is the solution to most marital situations! Believe it or not, the secret is to STEP AWAY FROM YOUR PROBLEMS and spend your time and energy doing specific relationship building activities.

It's counter-intuitive, but if you do this, most of your problems will dissipate, the threat of divorce will go away, and the other people invading your marriage will become irrelevant.

Before you deal with your problems, you first have to build good will with your spouse. And this is doable even in the most difficult marital situations.

If your marriage is stressed, do NOT tackle your problems. Stop talking about the affair, the attention you're not getting, or whatever. If your timing is off, trying to solve your problems will damage your marriage and make it LESS LIKELY that you'll ever find resolution.

Be well!

Hope this article blessed your life?
|Building Godly Relationships, strengthening love lives|

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Saturday, September 21, 2013

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - I LOVE YOU BUT I'M NOT "IN LOVE" WITH YOU

Our Guest: MORT FERTEL, (Author & Founder of Marriage Fitness)
Mort Fertel, is a world authority on the psychology of relationships and has an international reputation for saving marriages. In addition to working with couples, he teaches individuals how to single-handedly transform their marital situation.

Did your spouse tell you, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you?”

What does that statement mean?

A person who says, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you,” is making a distinction between 2 different feelings. But NEITHER of those feelings are love!

When a person says, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you,” they’re saying that I CARE about you but I’m not EXCITED about you.

CARING about someone is a good thing. It’s reflective of CONCERN. But it’s different than love. I care about the starving children in Africa, but I don’t love them.

Being EXCITED about someone is also a good thing. But it’s different than love. I might be excited to have a relationship with the President of the United States or a Hollywood star, but that doesn’t mean I love them.

While someone who says, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you” seems to be making a distinction between “different loves;” in fact, they are expressing their confusion about what love really is. And that’s why they’re having marital problems and maybe even an affair (because who are they IN LOVE with?).

Love is something we articulate in the vocabulary of ACTION. Love is a verb. It’s not a feeling you get from another PERSON; it’s an experience you receive as a result of DEEDS YOU DO for another person.
And those deeds are not a secret. In other words, love is NOT a mystery! There are specific things you can do with your spouse to solve your problems and build love in your marriage.
Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable—you can “make” love.
This is exactly why I created the Marriage Fitness program. I wanted to offer people a step-by-step system to make and maintain love in their marriage. And the program works for any marriage, even if only one spouse does it.
Very often in my private phone sessions, someone will say to me, “I love my spouse, but I’m not IN LOVE with my spouse.”

My immediate response is to ask, “Can you list for me 5 ways in the last week that you’ve DEMONSTRATED your love for your spouse?”

I usually hear noise on the other end of the phone; grunts, partial statements, and gasps for breath, but none of what I hear ever passes for an answer to my question.

“I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you” is a cop out. It basically means that I have no clue how to make a relationship last LONG-TERM so I’m exiting to get high from another short-term romance. But whoever they’re IN LOVE with now will also eventually hear, “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you.”

Of course, this is all fine and good, but it’s really your spouse who needs to hear this, right?

Do NOT print this email out and give it to them. And do NOT tell them what I said.

Getting your spouse from “I love you, but I’m not IN LOVE with you” to “Okay, let’s give this another chance” is a tricky task. If this is your situation, it’s crucial you handle it properly. One false step and your marriage could be over. If you take the right steps, you can draw your spouse back in and begin to restore your marriage TOGETHER.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

A Guide - |Love, Sex & Relationship| How to Stop Reacting, in Hot Anger.

Read through:
We sometimes get angry with family members, at work and in other situations. Life is made that way. But whether you are right or wrong in your anger, you need to control yourself, for you risk making irreparable damages with your words and actions. You can compromise your job, business and relationships, etc., and become worse off than you intended, because of uncontrolled anger.


Realize that you are angry and that you are emotionally charged.

Recognize your reasoning power is significantly hampered.

Control your language and actions. They may produce more harm than good. Even though you are hot and angry, recognize your actions may have long term consequences you may not be capable to solve.

Restrain yourself from any action against the target of your anger.

Speak your mind clearly and unequivocally.

Give the chance to the other to express themselves

Leave the target of your anger and go to a lonely place or to a friendly person.

Divert your attention from the stressful situation by watching your favorite channel, book, radio station, etc, eating your favorite snacks, or engaging in your favorite hobby or work.

A glass of plain cool water is surprisingly highly effective.

Keep your best interests at heart
Don't make any solemn decisions
Allow 6-8 minutes to simmer

Monday, September 16, 2013

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - Oldest Living Couple on Earth Gives Great Relationship Advice - Wow! every wanna be married or already married guy/lady man/woman should read this -

Our Guests: Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher

Meet Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher of North Carolina. They have been married 85 years and hold the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage of a living couple
..and get this, Zelmyra is 101 years old and Herbert is 104.

The happily married couple took their time to answer some relationship questions.
|Check out their take on finding love, getting through hard times and more|.


1. What made you realize that you could spend the rest of your lives together? Were you scared at all?

H & Z: With each day that passed, our relationship was more solid and secure. Divorce was NEVER an option – or even a thought.

2. How did you know your spouse was the right one for you?
We grew up together & were best friends before we married. A friend is for life – our marriage has lasted a lifetime

3. Is there anything you would do differently after more than 80 years of marriage?
We wouldn’t change a thing. There’s no secret to our marriage, we just did what was needed for each other & our family.

4. What is your advice to someone who is trying to keep the faith that Mr. Right is really out there?

Zelmyra: Mine was just around the corner! He is never too far away, so keep the faith – when you meet him, you’ll know.

5. What was the best piece of marriage advice you ever received?

Respect, support & communicate with each other. Be faithful, honest & true. Love each other with ALL of your heart

6. What are the most important attributes of a good spouse?

Zelmyra: A hard worker & good provider. The 1920s were hard, but Herbert wanted & provided the best for us. I married a good man!

7. What is your best Valentine’s Day memory?

Zelmyra: I cook dinner EVERY day. Herbert left work early & surprised me – he cooked dinner for me! He is a VERY good cook!

Herbert: I said that I was going to cook dinner for her & she could relax – the look on her face & clean plate made my day!

8. You got married very young – how did u both manage to grow as individuals yet not grown apart as a couple?

“Everyone who plants a seed & harvests the crop celebrates together” We are individuals, but accomplish more together.

9. What is your fondest memory of your 85-year marriage?

Our legacy: 5 children, 10 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great grandchild.

10. Does communicating get easier with time? How do you keep your patience?

The children are grown, so we talk more now. We can enjoy our time on the porch or our rocking chairs – together.

11. How did you cope when you had to be physically separated for long periods of time?

Herbert: We were apart for 2 months when Z was hospitalized with our 5th child. It was the most difficult time of my life.
Zelmyra’s mother helped me with the house and the other children, otherwise I would have lost my mind.

12. At the end of bad relationship day, what is the most important thing to remind yourselves?
Remember marriage is not a contest – never keep a score. God has put the two of you together on the same team to win

13. Is fighting important?
NEVER physically! Agree that it’s okay to disagree, & fight for what really matters. Learn to bend – not break!

14. What’s the one thing you have in common that transcends everything else?
We are both Christians & believe in God. Marriage is a commitment to the Lord.We pray with & for each other every day.

- a new one on the series - |Love, Sex & Relationship| - How to Have a God Centered Dating Relationship

- Read through -
Do you want to have God at the center of your dating relationship? Would you like God to influence the love you show another person? Here is some advice that can help you pursue God’s will in your dating relationship.


Remember that God’s Love is the ultimate. Knowing the love God has for you means that you do not have to seek fulfillment in how anyone makes you feel (a weakness of human love): the most perfect love comes from God, and it is always yours. He will do much more to fill the love-space than a person ever could.

Approach your dating relationship knowing that God likes you and loves you, and there is plenty room for wonders of love, marriage, mature family love, i.e.: constancy (not fickleness) thus enabling you to build and love your own family, of course. (Christians: Always remember He sent His son, Jesus, to die for your sins).

Make sure you are strong in your loving relationship with God. This means knowing that He is always there to help you along the way. Trust Him. Make God the most important in your life. Make Him the love of your life.

Know the ideal match for you. Date someone that you would consider marrying. Choose a person that has a similar desire for God, one that will build you up in your faith. If you are already in a relationship, positively encourage one another in pursuing God. Help your boyfriend or girlfriend to keep God the focus. Understand that Christians are not to be "unequally yolked" that is, if they are not willing to accept the faith, the relationship might have to be sacrificed.

Pray. Pray about your dating relationship. Give everything over to God. Let God know that you are asking His approval. Talk to God about the problems that arise. Thank Him for the opportunity to be in a relationship and the happy times you experience. You can also pray with your boyfriend or girlfriend.

It is a good way to help each other out with whatever stresses life brings. By praying together, you are experiencing God together. Though, it could make the focus more about you two building intimacy—still there is a tendency to bring out one another's faults in prayer; therefore, avoid prodding, interrogating, judging; instead, help each other in order to build trust; love and forgive each other as the Lord's Prayer models for us.

Talk about God. Make an effort to bring God into your conversations. Not only will it help in keeping God on your minds, you will also find out about each others beliefs. Talking about a spiritual subject changes normal conversation into one of eternal significance. Discussing God also allows you to build up each others knowledge and confidence.

Read the Bible. Keeping God’s words in your heart helps you to remember the love and promises He has for you. Try reading the Bible together. It is fun, spiritual and good for conversation. Different verses will help you along the way in your relationship.

Get involved with Church. Make sure your boyfriend or girlfriend and you are active in the body of Christ. You will feel good about sharing God’s love. He calls us to serve Him.

Be careful with physical affection. Hugs are great. God created physical affection to be good. But be careful in how much physical permission you give one another. A relationship can easily turn sinful if physical bonding occurs too quickly. Everyone is different. But if you feel guilty at all for actions, it may be good indication that you are going too far.

Avoid physical actions that might cause lustful thoughts (such as sitting on lap, laying on each other or sensual kissing and massages). Save sex for marriage. Talk about your physical actions with each other, making sure you are both comfortable and feeling great. Understand what might be innocent to one or another might very well be dangerous to you.

Show Christ’s love to each other. Make sacrifices for each other. Watch a chick flick. Go to a basketball game. Be willing to serve one another. Put one another above yourselves. Find how to show love to each other. Use the love God has shown you and bring it to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Bring out all of "The 'Fruit' of the Spirit": notice it is not fruits, we are not to pick and choose the ones we prefer. This will work to relieve stress in relationships in this World of troubles.
Cheerfully realize this is a package—not bits or pieces: "Love, joy, peace, long-suffering (patience), gentleness (kindness), goodness, meekness (gentleness), faith (faithfulness) and temperance (self-control)... Against such things there is no law.", Galatians 5:22-23 KJV (parentheses NIV). [1] Read those again and again...

Have Fun and Praise and Glorify God. Smile and know that God is with you. Enjoy the life that God has given the both of you. Whenever you get the chance, praise God for whatever He has poured into your life. Trust and know that God has your back. He wants what is best for the both of you.

Cherish your own personal God time. Make sure you spend time alone with God. You need moments of reading the Bible, journaling or praying just between you and God. Since God is your ultimate love, it is good to have that time alone with Him.

Keep in mind the reality that God is real. While having a special someone can bring great happiness in this world, realizing the eternally wonderful nature of God’s love is something you do not want to miss. God is real. His love is real. God is love. Realize that God is working in your life right now. His forgiveness is real and His promises are real. Give the love God has given you to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

God’s love is perfect. Let Christ’s love reign in your dating relationship. Let the love you have for each other be a banner to the world displaying God’s goodness. Remember though, "You are not your own, you were bought at a price" - therefore God must reign in your relationships. We are called to be holy, because He is holy. We might very well have to "honor [our] father and mother, [our] wife and children, [our] brothers and sisters--yes, even [our] own life--"; our dating relationships are no exception.

Remember, as C.S. Lewis has said, that love that becomes a god, becomes a demon. Submit all your love, therefore, to the one that is Love, and He, like a gardener, shall prune our loves which are so fickle and temporary by nature, into beautiful gardens which we may share with all our relationships including our dating relationships.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

|Gadget-World & Technology| - Photo Splash/News: Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 10.1, 2014 Review

•JK Shin, head of Samsung Mobile Communications, presents the new Samsung Galaxy Note 3 in Berlin.

•The LTE variant will be powered by 2.3GHz quad-core processor and the 3G version will be powered by a 1.9GHz octa-core processor along with 3GB RAM.
•Samsung Galaxy Note 3 comes with an all new S Pen stylus which include features like the Air Command, Action Memo, Scrapbook, Screen Write and S Finder.
•The Note 3 has a bigger screen than its predecessor, measuring 5.7 inches diagonally compared with the Note 2's 5.5 inches.
•Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will be available in 32GB and 64GB variants.
•Samsung Galaxy Note 3 will come in three colours - black, white or pink.

•Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition features a 10.1-inch WQXGA (2560X1600) Super clear LCD display.
•The 3G + Wi-Fi variant is powered by a 1.9GHz octa-core processor, while the Wi-Fi + LTE variant is powered by a 2.3GHz quad-core processor.
•It sports an 8-megapixel rear camera with BSI sensor and autofocus accompanied by an LED flash.

•There is 3GB of RAM and the tablet comes with 16GB/ 32GB/ 64GB internal storage options with 8220mAh battery.
•The tablet comes with S-Pen stylus and also includes a number of new features like Action Memo, Scrapbook, Screen Write and S Finder.

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 #2014 Edition unveiled
-Ketan Pratap, September, 2013-

Samsung has unveiled the latest member of the Galaxy Note tablet family in the form of Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition features a 10.1-inch WQXGA (2560X1600) Super clear LCD display. Just like the Samsung Galaxy Note 3, it comes in two variants. The 3G + Wi-Fi variant is powered by a 1.9GHz octa-core processor, while the Wi-Fi + LTE variant is powered by a 2.3GHz quad-core processor. There is 3GB of RAM and the tablet comes with 16GB/ 32GB/ 64GB internal storage options. It sports an 8-megapixel rear camera with BSI sensor and autofocus accompanied by an LED flash, as well as a 2-megapixel BSI sensor. It run Android 4.3 Jelly Bean.

The tablet, like its predecessors, comes with S-Pen stylus. A number of new features like Action Memo, Scrapbook, Screen Write and S Finder have been introduced on the new flagship Galaxy Note 3, will also been seen on the Galaxy Tab 10.1 2014 Edition. The device houses a large 8220mAh battery. The newly launched Galaxy Note 10.1 also comes pre-loaded with Samsung KNOX for enhanced security. Connectivity options on the tablet include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Direct and AllShareCast, as well as 3G/ LTE as indicated earlier.

The company has announced that the Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) tablet will come in three connectivity options: Wi-Fi only, Wi-Fi and 3G, Wi-Fi and LTE. It will come in two colour options Jet Black and Classic White.

Commenting on the launch JK Shin, CEO and President of IT & Mobile Division at Samsung Electronics said, "The new Galaxy Note 10.1 is the most progressive 10-inch tablet, delivering the best viewing and multitasking experiences.

It is the most recent demonstration of Samsung Mobile's focus on constant product innovation to stay aligned with shifting consumer interests. The Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) unites a range of features that will consistently surprise consumers as they realise how much easier and more enjoyable it makes their everyday lives."

Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition key specifications

10.1 features a 10.1-inch WQXGA (2560X1600) Super clear LCD display
1.9GHz octa-core processor (3G/ Wi-Fi version) and a 2.3GHz quad-core processor (LTE version)
3GB of RAM
8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash
2-megapixel front-facing camera
8220mAh battery
16GB/ 32GB/ 64GB internal storage
Android 4.3 Jelly Bean
S-Pen stylus

|Movie Reviews & TV| - (A Must Watch) Grown Ups 2: Still Kids At Heart

“The party’s over, fellas,” Adam Sandler’s character, Lenny, says to his buddies in Grown Ups 2. “We’re irrelevant.” And though the box office may disagree, his words aren’t far from the truth. The first Grown Ups, in 2010, grossed more than $271 million worldwide; the sequel will probably rival that amount, reaping lavish dividends for Sandler and his co-stars, many of them his fellow Saturday Night Live alumni. Once again Sandler milks middle age for lucre, nostalgia and clunky, ham-fisted humor. But he has cause for concern.

As often happens in follow-ups to hit movies, connective logic flies out the window: Lenny and his family have now left Los Angeles for his New England hometown, and his friends - girthy Eric (Kevin James), henpecked Kurt (Chris Rock) and randy, single Marcus (David Spade) - seem to have moved onto the block. Three are joined by their wives (portrayed by Salma Hayek, Maria Bello and Maya Rudolph, all talented performers slumming here). The SNL parade continues with Jon Lovitz, Tim Meadows and Colin Quinn in smaller parts. (Playing a pronounced corporate supporting role: Kmart.)

There are numerous plot threads, woven haphazardly. Spade’s character meets his son, a delinquent raised by a distant ex; Sandler objects to his wife’s desire for another child; James feels ignored by his spouse; and Rock has earned a “get out of jail free” pass from his missus for a day because he remembered their 20th anniversary. Husbands, you see, are oppressed; wives are demanding.

Oh, a gang of fraternity lunks threatens the boys for daring to swim in their cherished childhood quarry lake. When Lenny throws an '80s-themed costume party (pop goes the nostalgia!), the Greeks invade, and a free-for-all commences in which age battles callow youth and townies fight collegians (dubious class warfare conducted on Lenny’s expansive property). For humor, there is flatulence and urination (favored motifs from the first installment), belching, vomiting, simulated defecation, abundant leering and jokes about mannish women and feminine men.

This is pap, plain and simple: scattered raunch-lite devoid of emotional resonance. At best, it sells itself on the spectacle of a TV show’s cast reunion - and even then it disappoints. With the debacles of That’s My Boy and Jack and Jill, Sandler has increasingly squandered his comic capital. His onetime SNL brethren do themselves few favors - beyond a paycheck - by working in his orbit.


Directed by Dennis Dugan; written by Fred Wolf, Adam Sandler and Tim Herlihy; director of photography, Theo Van de Sande; edited by Tom Costain; music by Rupert Gregson-Williams; production design by Aaron Osborne; costumes by Ellen Lutter; produced by Sandler and Jack Giarraputo; released by Columbia Pictures. Running time: 1 hour, 41 minutes.

With: Adam Sandler (Lenny Feder), Kevin James (Eric Lamonsoff), Chris Rock (Kurt McKenzie), David Spade (Marcus Higgins), Salma Hayek (Roxanne Chase-Feder), Maya Rudolph (Deanne McKenzie), Maria Bello (Sally Lamonsoff), Nick Swardson (Nick), Colin Quinn (Dickie Bailey), Tim Meadows (Malcolm), Shaquille O’Neal (Officer Fluzoo), Alexander Ludwig (Braden), Georgia Engel (Mrs. Lamonsoff) and Alexys Nicole Sanchez (Becky Feder).

Grown Ups 2 is rated PG-13 (parents strongly cautioned). Bikinis and bodily functions.

|Technology & I.T| - Microsoft buys Nokia handset business for €5.4bn - (Deal delivers Europe's last big handset maker into US ownership and moves Microsoft firmly into device-manufacturing business)

Photo: [Microsoft chief executive officer, Steve Ballmer, (left) shakes hands with Nokia chairman and interim chief executive, Risto Siilasmaa, to seal their acquisition of Nokia's mobile phone business. Photograph: Markku Ojala/EPA]


Microsoft is to acquire Nokia's mobile phone arm in a swansong deal for the software giant's long-serving chief executive, Steve Ballmer, delivering Europe's last big handset maker into American ownership.

For €5.44bn (£4.6bn), Nokia is casting off the business that once represented Finland's most important export, in a deal that will result in 32,000 staff transferring to Microsoft.

Overtaken in the smartphone arena by Apple and Samsung, Nokia's board agreed to end the company's decades-long role as a pioneer and once-dominant player in one of the most revolutionary technologies in modern history.

Nokia's chief executive, Stephen Elop, has stepped down from the company's board, and will transfer with the handset business to Microsoft, where he will become head of the devices division after the transaction's expected completion in the first quarter of 2014.

"Today's announcement is a bold step into the future," said Ballmer. "For Microsoft it is a signature event in our transformation."

The acquisition marks the boldest step yet taken by Microsoft in its recently announced strategy of moving decisively into the device-manufacturing business, so that it can design for the software and hardware of its products. It is a move Ballmer hopes will bring the kind of success currently being enjoyed by Apple.

In a dramatic month for America's most successful consumer software group, Ballmer announced his retirement from the company within 12 months after 13 years at the helm. Elop, already tipped as a potential successor, is now seen as the most likely heir to the company still chaired by its founder, Bill Gates. "Elop becomes a really strong candidate for the CEO role," said Roberta Cozza, a research director at Gartner. "He is someone who has demonstrated that he can run a software unit at Microsoft and has his tenure as the CEO of a hardware company."

"I feel sadness because we are changing Nokia and what it stands for," said Elop, at an emotional press conference at Nokia headquarters in Espoo. "We are a challenger and as the news ripples around the world today we will be recognised as an even greater challenger to our competitors."

Nokia has staked a claim to a growing but small share of the smartphone market, with 7.4m of its Lumia handsets shipped in the most recent quarter. Samsung shipped 71m smartphones in the second quarter, according to Gartner, and Nokia is no longer among the global top five.

"I share the frustration that comes from being so far behind two very large competitors," said Elop. "We are going faster than Nokia has ever done before. Achieving our goal of becoming the third ecosystem is becoming very real."

Elop, who formerly headed Microsoft's business services unit, intertwined Nokia's fortunes with Microsoft two years ago when he announced he would abandon the Finnish company's attempts at creating its own smartphone software, opting instead for the Windows Phone operating system.

Microsoft heavily subsidised Nokia's strategy, providing hundreds of millions in marketing dollars per quarter to support the significant advertising spend needed to tempt customers unfamiliar with the Windows Phone interface.

As head of Microsoft's devices unit, Elop will oversee not only phones but its best selling Xbox games console and its Surface tablet computer, which has so far failed to register with consumers. Julie Larson-Green, who currently heads devices and studios at Microsoft and had been seen as a contender for the top job, will report to Elop.

Risto Siilasmaa, Nokia's chairman, will take over as chief executive of the company in the interim. "This transaction makes all the sense rationally but emotionally it is complicated," he admitted, saying the decision was made because Nokia needed more cash if it was to compete with larger smartphone rivals.

The market, he said, "is becoming a duopoly with the leaders building significant momentum with a scale not seen before, while many established players have disappeared or faced difficult choices".

Microsoft will retain its mobiles research and development facility in Finland, where 4,700 Nokia staff are currently employed, and Ballmer said: "We have no significant plans to shift around the world where work is done. We are deeply committed to Finland."

The US company said it would build a datacentre in Finland to serve customers in Europe.

Microsoft is also providing €1.5bn of "immediate financing" to Nokia, implying that the Finnish company has hit a cash crunch. Its debt has already been reduced to "junk" status. If used, the loan will be repayable when the deal closes.

The remaining part of Nokia will be dominated by Nokia Siemens Networks (NSN), which builds mobile phone infrastructure and a mapping platform called Here. Elop recently completed the acquisition of 50% of NSN that was owned by Siemens. These rump assets currently employ 56,000 people and have revenues of €15bn.

But even inside cash-rich Microsoft, Nokia's phone business faces serious challenges. Its handset business has slumped in size from a peak in the third quarter of 2010, with revenues of €7.2bn, to just €2.72bn in the second quarter of this year, its smallest size in more than a decade. It has also been loss-making for five of the past six quarters.

While it is strong in the "feature phone" business in the developing world, it has struggled in the all-important smartphone business. Apple's iPhone and handsets running Google's Android together make up over 95% of sales in the US and China, the world's two largest smartphone markets, according to Kantar Worldpanel's latest figures. Windows Phone only has shares above 10% in Mexico and France, according to the company's figures.

Under the deal, Microsoft is buying the Lumia and Asha brand names that Nokia has used for its smart and intermediate phones. It has licensed the use of the Nokia brand on handsets for 10 years, but the Finnish business will retain ownership of the brand. That will probably mean that the Nokia brand disappearing from handsets in the next decade, ending over 30 years' history in the business.

Having started in 1865 with a pulp mill in the Finnish town of Tampere, Nokia reinvented itself repeatedly, shifting to rubber boot production early in the 20th century, and then making its first telephone exchange in the 1970s. Its first mobile phone appeared in 1981.

Rumours that Microsoft intended to buy Nokia had been floated since Elop joined the company. Reaction to the deal was mixed.

"Microsoft buying Nokia looks like doubling down on the current failing strategy, without changing the dynamics that are preventing success," cautioned Benedict Evans at Enders Analysis.

Ben Wood at CCS Insight described the deal as a "bold, but entirely necessary gamble by Microsoft".

"Mobile needs to be a cornerstone of Microsoft's business for future success," said Wood.

"This is by no means a silver-bullet solution to Nokia and Microsoft's current difficulties. The massive restructuring that has taken place within Nokia over the last two years offers Microsoft a more stable foundation on which to focus its efforts in mobile, but Windows Phone remains a distant third place in the smartphone race."

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - (especially for ladies) 'Look-Out Carefully, You May Be Dating a Married Man' #Warning Signs! Our Guest: Sarah Symonds

- Read through the Article -

Think you've found the perfect man but some things just aren't adding up?
Is he a bit of a mystery? Sarah Symonds is a former mistress and author of Having an Affair? A Handbook for the Other Woman.
She gives her tips here, for recognizing the signs that a man you're dating may be married:

|Carefully Read-through! #especially for the ladies..|

You met in a bar. "If you are meeting for the first time in a bar, that doesn't bode well. So many married men hang out in bars hoping to get lucky".

He has an indentation or tan line on his ring finger. When you first meet him, look for an obvious sign of a wedding ring that was just removed.

He pays for dinners and drinks in cash. This could be because he doesn't want a paper trail or credit card bust from his wife.

He has more than one cell phone and won't give you both phone numbers. "One is for his wife, and one is for his secret life".

Also note if he always goes outside to take private calls when he's with you.

He tends to call you while at the store, walking the dog, getting gas "places he's dashed out to in order to call" These are places where he's escaped the family home to go out and call you, his secret lover".

He doesn't reply to your texts for hours and is not available to talk freely in the evenings. He may ask you not to call after certain times. "It's because he's at home with his family and can't answer".

He's always busy on the weekends and doesn't want to make plans for less than 10 days time.

He can't be spontaneous when he has a family to juggle.

He doesn't introduce you to his friends.

He finds excuses for why he can't invite you back to his place.
My main message to women out there who might fall for these things is to find a reason to go back to his place. If he won't take you home, there's a reason why.

#Walk wisely!

|People & Lifestyle| - Sights at Monalisa Chinda's birthday parry yestaday.


Our very own Chinda, Monalisa added one yesterday; And these are the sights of some of her Nollywood colleagues present at her party.. We sight Kate Henshaw, Segun Arinze and Joseph Benjamin.

Friday, September 13, 2013

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - Building healthy Relationships; in an unhealthy world.

Session 1.  Our Wounded Hearts

God said He would bind up our broken hearts and set us, the captives, free.  Because He gave us this promise then we must recognise that somehow our hearts got broken, and we have been held captive.  This session looks at what our hearts were designed to enjoy and the various ways our hearts have been broken.  It then examines the promise of what God promises to do to bind them up and set us free.

Session 2.  God’s Family Plan

Since God created us for relationship with Him and with each other, He had a beautiful plan called the “family” in which we were to grow and to experience all that He knew we needed to live a healthy, godly life.  But the enemy has devised a plan to counterfeit God’s “Family” Plan.  Many of us, unknowingly, grew up in the enemy’s plan.  We suffered the pain, frustration and disillusionment of trying to find healthy relationships with God and others by following the only plan we had been taught.  In this session we explore both plans and begin to see how to move out of the enemy’s plan and into God’s plan for our lives.

Session 3.  Fear-Based vs. Love-Based Relationships

Because of the enemy’s plan we have ended up in “Fear-Based” relationships rather than the “Love-Based” relationships we were created to live in, enjoy and pass on to others.  What do these two antithetical types of relationship look like?  What drives each kind of relationship and how do the behaviours we see in ourselves and others reflect the type of relationship we offer and experience?

Session 4.  Taking Thoughts Captive

We are told in scripture to “Take our thoughts captive”.  But, do we even know what we think, let alone have a process that will help us to take those thoughts captive?  We are who we are and where we are because of how we think… about God, ourselves and others.  “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Thus it is critical we explore this part of our life and begin to take authority in this area of our life.

Session 5.  Anger

Anger and its destructive use are the leading causes in the breakdown of relationships.  How can we “Be angry and sin not”?  How can we deal with anger in a healthy way and not experience and express rage?  Learning and applying the skills presented in this session will help people who struggle with this problem to gain some insights and begin to manage this emotion that was designed as a warning system but has become a destructive weapon.

Session 6.  Guilt and Shame

Guilt and shame are two of the most powerful tools of the enemy to keep us in bondage.  The Bible has a surprising amount of information and counsel in the Old and New Testament on both of these issues.  Looking at numerous texts in the original Hebrew and Greek, we see that God understands, is vitally concerned about each of these powerful driving forces in our life and has provided a way out of these painful places.  Participants who apply the material in their life can experience God turning their shame into glory as He has promised.

Session 7.  Headship and Submission

Sessions 1 through 6 discuss how our hearts were wounded and are in need of being bound up.  All of our childhood experiences and our childish ways of coping with those experiences are then brought into adult relationships, including marriage.  Our concepts of trust or the lack of it, our history in the enemy’s family plan, our experiences in fear-based relationships, our unconscious thoughts that control us, our anger, rage, shame and guilt are all brought into marriage.  And this history distorts the Biblical concept of headship and submission.  This session takes a hard look at those distortions and brings reality into this most intimate of relationships.

Session 8.  Forgiveness

With participants beginning to understand God’s plan for relationships and how they have actually participated unknowingly in the enemy’s plan, there is a recognition that there is much to forgive and much to be forgiven for.  Forgiveness is the doorway to healing broken lives and broken relationships.  In this session, by looking at what forgiveness is not and what keeps us from forgiving, participants can begin to see what forgiveness is and how to move into it in a healthy way without setting themselves up to be revictimised.

Session 9.  Grief and Mourning

Grief and mourning present us all with an opportunity to put the pain of the past behind and direct our minds and our energies to living in the present.  So often we stay stuck in the past because we are loyal to the pain of the past and the story that surrounds it.  Only by freeing ourselves through truly grieving and mourning the losses can we move into the promises that God has for us today.

Session 10.  Communication

Considering the many skills we need to develop in order to build healthier relationships, good communication is indispensable.  The Bible has much to say about communication.  God sets the example and the Bible sets out some very clear guidelines to help us to communicate in a way that is clear and effective.  Learning these skills takes practice.  Taking the time to listen and speak clearly to the other person is a clear message that who they are and what they think and say is important.

Session 11.  Conflict Resolution

The inability to resolve conflicts that arise in relationships is one of the leading factors in their breakdown.  Most of us have never been taught healthy ways to resolve conflicts with others, let alone the conflicts that war within us.  This session present a fresh approach from a Biblical perspective to dealing with the conflicts we face in everyday experiences.

Session 12.  Building Healthy Relationships

God created us for relationship with Himself and with others.  We are to reflect His glory to those we come in contact with day to day.  He has said that we are to love others in the same way He has loved us.  Using scriptural guidelines this session provides a year-long plan for us to contribute into relationships in a healthy, Godly way that makes a positive difference.  Participants who have used this plan have told us of the changes in their marriages, families, friendships and church families.

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|Building Godly Relationships, strengthening love lives|

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|Love, Sex & Relationship| - Eight Contrasts Between Unhealthy and Healthy Relationships

– A healthy heart can enter into healthy relationships. Healthy relationships are central to recovery for romance, relationship, and sex addicts. Recovery without healthy relationships only perpetuates the sinful self-obsession that led to addiction in the first place. In recovery we must learn to shift our focus, thus becoming free to share intimacy with others.

A healthy heart involved in healthy relationships is the precise opposite of addiction. Addiction maintains a secret life marked by fear and control. Genuine love, on the other hand, is marked by openness, trust, and the freedom to give oneself to another. Addictive behavior is a deceptive substitute whose effects last but a moment.

There are many contrasts between healthy and unhealthy relationships. Taken together they chart a continuum between the secular model and the biblical model. Understanding these contrasts can help us understand how healthy relationships work – and how we can grow toward them as part of the recovery process.

1. Reality vs. Fantasy:
Healthy relationships are based in reality. Each person is aware of his own strengths and weaknesses. There is no need to hide or to try to fool the other. Each person is also aware of the other’s strengths and weaknesses. There is no need to pretend that problems don’t exist or to tiptoe around “unmentionable” areas. If the partner is weak in some area, he or she accepts it and helps accommodate or strengthen it.

Unhealthy relationships, by contrast, are based on fantasy. What could be or should be replaces what is. The elements of unreality become the focus. The relationship is built on a foundation that isn’t really there.

2. Completing vs. Finding Completion:
In a healthy relationship, each person finds joy in sharing in the other person’s growth, in playing a role in “completing” the other.

In an unhealthy relationship the focus is on completing oneself. This selfish dynamic is at the heart of codependency. Too many people fling half a person into a relationship, expecting that it will be completed by the other. It never works. No one can ever meet such expectations. It is only a matter of time until substitutes are sought – either in the form of other relationships or in the form of dysfunctional and addictive behaviors.

3. Friendship vs. Victimization:
A healthy relationship can be described as two good friends becoming better friends. The strongest and most successful relationships – even the most passionate and romantic marriages – have this kind of true friendship at the base. Where this base of true friendship is absent, the relationship is shallow and susceptible to being marked by victimization.

4. Sacrifice vs. Demand for Sacrifice:
Few of the magazines that clutter the checkout counters of grocery stores publish articles extolling the joys of sacrifice. But no relationship can grow without it. Unfortunately, most of us are more accustomed to demanding sacrifice from our partner than to sacrificing our selves.

It’s one thing to love another when the going is easy. But character and depth are wrought in a relationship when love requires the surrender of preference and privilege. Nothing strengthens a relationship like sacrifice. Indeed, it often seems that the greater the sacrifice, the more thorough the death to self, the greater the potential for the relationship.

Our relationship with God requires sacrifice. His relationship with us required nothing less than the sacrifice of his Son, Jesus Christ. Building a relationship – or restoring one that has been ravaged by the effects of addiction – depends on the willingness of both parties to sacrifice for each other, without demanding anything in return.

5. Forgiveness vs. Resentment:
Forgiveness is a miraculous gift between two people. A relationship flourishes when we are willing to forgive past hurts and disappointments. Refusing to forgive is like carrying around a garbage bag full of hurts of the past. Every time someone makes a mistake, we toss it into the bag and carry it with us forever.

There are no garbage bags in healthy relationships. Out of love, the partners take the hurt and disappointment of the past and burn it up in the flames of forgiveness. What greater gift can we give someone than to set them free from the weight of their mistakes? When we unlock others from a past they cannot correct, we free them to become all they can become, and we free our relationships to become all they can becomes as well.

6. Security vs. Fear:
Security is a rare commodity in our world. Often people come from such insecure childhoods they can only hope that their adult life will include a relationship that allows them to rest in the arms of someone who really cares. So much of life is lived on the edge of risk, we feel an overwhelming need for at least one relationship to make us feel safe.

The Bible says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear” (1 John 4:18). When we shift from trying to use others to satisfy our security needs to trying to meet the security needs of others, we find ourselves in a new dimension. We are focusing on their needs, not ours. We are filling their doubts and fears with the reassurance of our consistent behavior. We calm their fears by being reliable. We become, in a word, loving: other-focused and totally selfless. That is the kind of love that drives out fear and provides genuine security.

7. Vulnerability vs. Defensiveness:
In a secure environment, a person is free to open up and be vulnerable. It is wonderful to be vulnerable, to do an emotional free fall and have someone there to catch you. That delightful taste of vulnerability enables you to open up even more, discover more about who you are, appreciate all the good that God has created in you.

In a relationship characterized by fear, just the opposite happens. There is a need to build up a wall of defensiveness. If you do not protect yourself, after all, you will be violated, robbed of your identity, controlled, or smothered. The dynamics of defensiveness lead to death rather than to life and growth.

8. Honesty vs. Deception:
There is no way to build a lasting, healthy relationship on a foundation of dishonesty. Honesty must be at the core of a relationship; there is no substitute for it. It is fashionable in our day to paper over unpleasant truth. We deceive those we love, rationalizing that keeping secrets is really for their good.

Virtually all addictions are maintained under the cover of some sort of deception, which eventually is woven into a vast tapestry of lies and cover-ups. Dishonesty is a very hard habit to break. One of the main functions of a recovery support group is the accountability it provides, holding the recovering addict to rigorous truthfulness. Without accountability, trust and the restoration of intimacy in relationships is impossible.

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