Thursday, August 25, 2016

Lovely NEW MUSIC: AMEN by Phortunez & GospelMix family [free download]

Hit Single 'AMEN' (an Amen of worship) premiered live @Xplore & Conquer - by the Official Phortunez & GospelMix Community.

And YES! Fam, also to mention to you..
about last weekend Sat. 20th August, 2016, the MTYF Project Team (Mould The Young Foundation) hosted their life impacting conference 'Xplore & Conquer'

The music arm of MTYF... the amazing music team (GospelMix Community) who recently brought to you the amazing hit singles THIS YEAR (click to download) and AWESOME GOD (click to download) - Also premiered two of their NEW hit singles 'AMEN' and 'iAm a Victor'

Alright! So that you don't miss out completely, here is a free download link of the hit song "AMEN" by Phortunez & GospelMix family.. also download the lyrics.
Let it minister to you. Stay hooked for "iAm a Victor". God bless you.



Let this lovely song bless your life & do well to extend the love and blessings by sharing with the friends in your life, till it gets to everywhere in the world.

» Gerryblings Entertainment Factory «
For enQuiries: #iAmPhortunez | TW/IG @gerachblings

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Events: 'Xplore & ConQuer' Teens/Youths mega conference (a recorded success)

Xplore & Conquer (mega conference 2016) for Teens/Youths - a recorded success.
..and so 'xplore & conquer' (season 1) was a super-awesome experience.
as God honoured us at the event.
We were so glad to have our distinguished resource persons grace the event.‎
Mama Hilda Dokubo | Pst Godson Chima | Dr. Ezinne Kazi | Engr Israel Amadi

Also, the amazing #GospelMix family, Chrischords, Daniel Jazz, Abraham Seed Theatre, GYC and Chosen Dancers.

Here are few photos.. more coming.‎

Xplore & Conquer | brought to you by (Mould The Young Foundation)
Music Powered by: the Music Arm of MTYF (GospelMix family)

See You Next Season.. keep expanding God's kingdom.‎

Helping Articles: [the Smart Money], follow it..

the Smart Money, follow it

 “…But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven….”(Matthew 6:20 NKJV)
You can have an eternal 401 (k). Yes, it lasts forever! Yes, it is guaranteed. The returns are fantastic!  In fact, they are beyond our human ability to measure.

In this world crowds of people follow “stock tips.” They follow what they perceive to be “smart money” and invest in companies for which they have little or no information. Most of the time this type of investing results in losses.

Jesus gives us an “eternal investment tip.” He says the smart money of this world will be sure to invest in treasures in heaven. He also says we should use the unrighteous mammon (money) of this world to win friends for eternity!

Yes, you can take it with you by investing it in the world to come. You can only do this by sending it ahead by giving or investing in the kingdom while you are in this world.

Just think; he is giving us the opportunity to trade the paper currencies of this world, which will become worthless, for eternal treasures that will last forever. We can trade the perishable for the imperishable. That seems like a good deal to me!

Today, ask yourself
Am I following the smart money and investing my time, talent, and treasure in my eternal 401(k)?

- Culled -
 iAmPhortunez | TW/IG: @gerachblings‎