Thursday, February 27, 2014

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - How To Have A Long-Lasting, Loving Relationship

It's as easy as these six, simple steps!
Everyone wants to be part of a happy and stable couple. But, with the divorce rate so high, creating emotionally intimate couplehood is a considerable challenge.
Here are 6 crucial insights about how to maintain a thriving, romantic relationship:

1. Nurture each other. One overriding rule: intimate relationships are nurturing relationships. Everyone realizes that children need to be cherished and supported for healthy development. Well, your romantic partner needs you to encourage and nourish him/her everyday as well. Paying careful attention to your partner, and giving yourself in this way to him/her will create a very powerful bond of love and trust between you.

2. Actions speak louder than words. It's easy to say, "I love you." If you've got the money, it's easy to buy gifts. But the best gift of all is your focus and attention.
What's going on in your partner's day, week, or month? Is his mother sick? How did the meeting with the school go? Is she still upset with her boss? If you forget to ask about important events and feelings, your partner will assume that you're not interested in connection, and that something or someone else is more important to you than they are.
If you know that you are a forgetful person but you want to remember the details of what is important to your partner, it's kosher to write a little note to remind yourself to ask about x, y, or z. Writing the note shows your intent to be involved in their life.

3. Give the ultimate gift. Loving someone is not giving them what you want to give them, it's giving them what they want to be given. Sometimes this is a very tall order. When you are trying to be caring and affectionate, be honest with yourself. Are you actually attempting to meet the person's stated needs?
If you are giving them what you would like yourself, or what you wish they would want to get, don't be disappointed at their reaction.

4. Show appreciation. Give honest thanks and acknowledgment. When you see your partner trying to nourish you, show your love and appreciation. Everyone likes to be recognized for their efforts, even if they miss the mark.

5. Be positive. Don't say every negative thing you think. Imagine criticism is like toothpaste inside the tube. It's easy to squeeze the negative comments out, but once the words are out, it's impossible to put them back "in." In my office, it's not unusual to have one partner bring up a hurtful comment that the other partner made decades earlier. Harsh criticism erodes trust.
When you have to share negative feedback, do it as a kind of "criticism sandwich." Begin the conversation with a compliment, put the criticism in as the middle layer, and then
finish up with a piece of reassurance or a positive feeling.

6. Stop comparing! Don't compare yourselves to other couples. Most couples who are out in public will try to portray at least an image of harmony. Many depict their union as the paragon of true devotion and love. It's not that happy couples don't exist. They do. But they quarrel too, just like you do. When you view a couple who is lovey-dovey or seems to have it all together, you can't tell from the outside if what you are seeing is the real deal or not.
It's easy to project your fantasy that their couple life together is easy and glamorous, while it is so hard to make yours work. Trust me, no couple has an easy time staying together and combining, work, love, finances, kids, emotional intimacy, and sex.

Be grateful for what's good in your relationship. Because if you know it's good in private, it's real.

|For the Married & Woud-be Married| - What Men Want From Their Wives

Sex is generally listed first, but there are other
things husbands want.

In no particular order, here are ten things that many men
often want from their wives.

Note that these are "wants" --
not emotional needs. As individuals, we are each
responsible for filling our own emotional needs.
We believe that the four basic emotional needs are the need
to be loved and to love; the need to belong; the need for a
good self-image; and the need for autonomy.

Men also want you to hold his hand in public, leave a
message of love on his voice mail, massage his shoulders,
give him an unexpected kiss, and flirt with him. Husbands
like to be romanced too!

Believe in His Capabilities
Many men believe it is important for them to protect and
provide for those they love. Let your husband know that you
believe in his talents and skills and are supportive of him.

One of the ways you can both tell and show your husband
that you want to understand him is by making a
commitment to daily dialogue with him. Daily dialogue only
takes 20 minutes out of your day. Isn't your husband worth
20 minutes each day?

Most guys like to be patted on the back. Compliment your
husband often. Just don't over do it with sicky sweet oozes
of how great he is. That type of affirmation can backfire.

Many husbands are hurt and angered when their wives try
to change them. Realize that the only person that you can
change is yourself.

Less Chatter
Don't yakety-yak all the time. If your husband is tired, or
involved with a project, and you really want to talk to him
about something, get to the point or schedule a time with
him to have the talk.

Show respect for your husband by not making negative
comments about his thoughts and opinions, by being
considerate of his plans, and by avoiding the "eye roll"
when listening to him.

Free Time
Most everyone has a desire for some quiet time alone , and
time to re-energize, regroup, and reconnect. When your
husband first gets home from work, allow him some free
time to unwind. Don't over-schedule his days off with
projects around the house.

Trust is vital in the success of a marriage. If you are having
doubts about your husband and find it difficult to trust him,
seek counseling -- not spying.

Hopefully, you can say that your husband is not only your
lover, but also your friend. Staying friends and companions
through the years requires that you find ways to make time
to be together and to do things together.

 |Love & Relationship Digest| - What Does Respect Look Like to Husbands?

#Helpful Tips - for the Married and would-be Married.

Just like wives need love, husbands need respect.
God’s design for marriage is laid out here, in Ephesians
5, and His purpose goes WAY beyond the scope of the
health of our individual marriages – although if we
follow His design, we will have much healthier

God’s highest purpose in marriage is to
showcase the intimate relationship between Christ and
His people. We are acting out a living parable where
husbands represent Christ and wives represent the
church to bring glory to God and to help our children and
others around us grasp what God is like in a more
concrete way.

Ephesians 5:22-33
New International Version (NIV)
Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as
you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of
the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of
which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to
Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the
church and gave himself up for her to make her
holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through
the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant
church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish,
but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands
ought to love their wivesas their own bodies. He who
loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever
hated their own body, but they feed and care for their
body, just as Christ does the church— for we are
members of his body. “For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,
and the two will become one flesh.” This is a
profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the
church. However, each one of you also must love his
wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her

So here are some ideas of ways you can show respect
to your husband. Think of it like a buffet. This is not a
list of rules – but some ways some wives use to show
respect that works for them. Some things may apply to
your marriage, some may not. There are some things
that speak respect to just about all husbands, but each
man is unique, so you will need to possibly ask your
husband about things – maybe just a few at a time –
and learn what speaks respect best to him. That is
what matters most! I had some husbands’ input on this
list. Thank you, gentlemen!

With His Job
It’s important to realize here that what a man does is a
part of who he is. This is part of the reason that the first
thing one man will probably ask the other is “what do
you do?” I think that a lot of wives lose out on
connections that they can make with their husbands
because they want to separate him from his work– and
yet that work is what he does for most of his day.
Let him know how much you appreciate the
work that he does.
If his company has a get together, don’t try to
get out of it.
Learn something about his profession– so that
you’re at least conversant.
Just like you’d like him to ask you about your
day, ask him about his.
Find out what he wants to do with his life.
try to support his dreams and ambitions
Prepare a snack just for him and his
coworkers (the people in his office will look up
to him!)
Send him thoughtful or playful texts while he’s
at work.
Include a brief note of praise in his lunch (if he
brings one).
See him off in the morning.
Welcome him home from the day.

At Your Church
It’s hard to argue that church is not a place that a man
should lead. Many places in the Scripture men are
called to be leaders of the home, they’re given jobs to
do and roles to fill, but you are probably the most
important piece to his ability to find respect and
leadership in the church. Why? Because people will be
looking to see how he leads his family, how he cares for
them, and whether his family respects him. What you
show or do not show reflects on him even more in this
If you find it appropriate, cover your head. (I
Corinthians 11:3-16)
Encourage him in his abilities.
Talk positively about him.
Defer to him when asked about making
time commitments.
If you have a question about something in the
sermon, ask him first before going to the
Actually, finding something to talk about or ask
about the sermon would be a great way to show
respect, even if you know the answer. Show
him that you care about his thoughts and ideas
on the subject!
If your husband doesn’t ordinarily attend, then
praise him when he does.
Thank him for taking the family to church.
Let your husband know that you are praying for
God to give him wisdom as the spiritual leader
of the family.
Encourage him to participate in men’s groups
where appropriate – don’t begrudge him that
Don’t make fun of his singing if he’s monotone!
Praise him for getting involved.

In Your Home
In most cases, you are the master of your home. You
are probably there most of the time, you know how to
clean it much better than he does, and you are probably
given free reign to do with it as you please. However,
he will still want to claim some area as his– the den, an
office, the garage. There has to be some space that he
is allowed to be as “organized” as he wants and that he
can call his own. Call it a guy thing.
Allow him to have a space that is defined as his.
Ask him respectfully and with a pleasant tone of
voice about projects you would like to be done
around the house and an idea for when you want
them done.
Do not nag him to get the projects completed.
Be clear in your requests, don’t make him guess.
If what he does is not up to your standards,
explain what you would prefer without being
Be his wife, not his mom.
Allow his input into what you make for meals.
Praise the things that he gets accomplished.
Guard your tongue as to how you talk about
some feature of the house you do not like–
most likely he’s providing for it and he could
take it as an attack on him or his ability to
provide well for the family.
Make the house presentable, but don’t stress
over being perfect.
Home is where you are, more than the house, if
you’re stressed, he will be upset.
Respect that he sees women all day long that
have prepared themselves to be in public– what
do you look like when he sees you?
Clean out all clothing that doesn’t fit or he
doesn’t like. (If he is ok with that, of course!)
There’s a look that you know how to give…
Massage his shoulders when he isn’t expecting
Run your fingers through his hair.
Sit down next to him and snuggle into his arm.
Leave a note on his night stand that lists a few
of the traits you respect in him.
Write a message in the mirror he’ll see after he

On Vacation
When going on vacation, it isn’t time to let up on letting
him or encouraging him to lead.
Don’t question whether he knows how to get
where he’s going. Let him ask you if he wants
help with directions.
Ask him how much you should pack.
Let him pack the car– it’s a big sign of
manliness to figure out how to get all the
luggage in there
He’s goal oriented and will want to make it as
far as he’s planned. Try to keep stops to a
Ask how far he wants to get that day.
Do what you can to keep the commotion down.
Take turns driving if he would appreciate that.
Realize that many men view the ability to drive
the whole way manly– it’s not a comment about
whether you can drive.
Don’t blackmail with embarrassing vacation
Make sure he’s included in family photos– no
one likes to see that they were never there. But
don’t force him to be in tons of pictures if he
hates having his picture made!
Plan time to make the vacation special with the
two of you, even if you have brought the kids.
Make sure that you get the proper amount of
sleep– hard to be respectful when you’re
fighting exhaustion!
Let him know what you would like to do on the
vacation, that way he’s not taken by surprise.
Try to stick to the plan. Some things can’t be
helped, but not keeping to a plan can be
Enjoy yourselves– it will let him feel like he’s
providing a good time.
Thank him for all that he does and for the
wonderful trip.

At The Store
The store can be an infuriating place for a guy. You’ve
made the list, he doesn’t know what’s on it. You know
the brands, he wants to get in and out as fast as
possible. You’re there for clothing, he has nothing to do
while you try things on.
Share lists, if possible– nothing’s more
humiliating than having to follow you around as
you dole out instructions.
If you find something’s amiss, show him the
right brand without judging the one he got– no
Purchase more at once, if your husband is ok
with that, this allows for fewer trips to the store.
If you’re clothes shopping, plan to do it without
the kids.
Plan to get his input on your clothing choices.
Don’t stick him holding your purse.
Don’t take him if you don’t need him there.
If you’re getting clothing, maybe to make it
exciting, pick up something “just for him.”
Try for efficiency. He knows that his time is
worth something, do you?
If there’s something that he’s mentioned that is
at the store, make sure that you get it–
especially if he’s mentioned it more than once.
Surprises are nice– for both people– so think
about surprising him when he’s not looking if it
is within your budget.

In Front of the Kids
Nowhere is order and respect more important than in
front of the kids. I’d also say that nowhere is it harder.
You’re in charge all day. You have to make decisions,
maintain discipline, teach, and be all that your kids and
your house requires. When your husband arrives home,
it can be easy to look at him as just another person
needing something, or to look at him as the cavalry
where you can go veg out and he can take over. Neither
of these are necessarily helpful.
Stop what you are doing and smile, HUG him
and KISS him like you mean it and say,
“Welcome home!”
Teach the children to clean up a bit before
Daddy comes home and then run to him and
welcome him home. Make that time special!
If you have a concern about how he handled
something, don’t question him in front of the
Get his input on decisions, especially bigger
If you ask his opinion, make sure you act on it–
otherwise don’t ask.
If he tells the kids something (either they can or
can’t do something), don’t alter it, even if you
think you know better.
Make sure that you’re on the same page raising
the kids.
Escalate to him– children should know it’s a
worse thing to have to be disciplined by dad.
Realize that him not being there all day means
less time he has to be consistent, and encourage
him in consistency with discipline.
Praise him to your kids when your kids are not
Have your kids pray for him when he is not
Talk with your kids about what he does–
especially in his presence.
Dad’s can get the impression that they’re just a
wallet– teach gratitude.
Encourage him to play with his kids, and provide
space to do so.
Show your kids how you love and respect him,
and they will to. The tone of voice you use and
way you speak to your husband is the way your
children will speak to him, too!
Make your husband a priority over the kids.
They need to see that your relationship is
Make date night a priority in your life– prepare
for it, talk about it, etc.
Make sure your kids know you are fixing your
husband’s favorite meal.
Help the kids prepare a treat for your husband.

Know that he’s not the perfect husband and you’re not
the perfect wife, but start from the heart, and learn/
practice respect.

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - “20 Steps To Building A Long Lasting Relationship With The Man You Want”


Marriage is meant to be a life-long commitment, so it deserves every bit of special attention when preparing yourself for it. Before taking this step towards a happy life with someone else, you want to make sure you have a happy life as an individual. Marriage isn’t only about having a man who will take care of you; it’s also about you being ready, willing, and able to take care of him.
These 20 steps will serve as an excellent guide for preparing yourself for a happy, healthy relationship, and help you work towards a marriage.

Step 1: Self-evaluation- (i.e. How do you feel about the person you are inside and out?) You have to love yourself before you love someone else.
Step 2: Presentation- Always present yourself as the person you want to be known and remembered as. Men are visual and will evaluate you 1st based on your appearance and also by the way you carry yourself.
Step 3: The Introduction- Remember you’re a lady! Maintain control! Just give a guy you’re interested in “the look” & he will come right over & initiate convo. This will show your submissive side, while allowing him to take the lead.
Step 4: Friendship- There will be plenty of time for sex, but if you want a future with this man, 1st get to know him and find out if you even like the guy. Friendship is the key to romance!
Step 5: Dating- Focus on the man who focuses on you, but in the meantime, keep your options open. Date multiple people at once.
Step 6: Sex- Friendship doesn’t come with benefits. Benefits come with a commitment. If he wants sex, your relationship has to be exclusive. Know your worth!
Step 7: Commitment- You’ve been dating this guy for a while, the chemistry is great, and you’ve established a great friendship, and you’re ready to take the next step. Go ahead and make it official! Let him ask to be exclusive with you.
Step 8: Incorporate The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Relationships (according to Chey B.) Those habits are: Respect, Love, Trust, Support, Loyalty, Honesty & Communication.
Step 9: Consistency- Everything you brought to the table in the beginning should not only remain, but it should get better. Never stop competing for your partner’s love and affection.
Step 10: Share your world! Introduce your partner to any/everyone who is important in your life. This shows him that you want him to be a part of it. Even a man wants to feel special.
Step 11: Space- Allow each other just enough room to breathe, but not enough room to leave. Give yourselves the opportunity to miss one another.
Step 12: Growth- If you want to grow as a couple, it’s important that you do things “as a couple”. Not all the time, but most of the time.
Step 13: Secrets- If you can’t be open and honest with your partner, you are not ready for a relationship. Stay single until you’re ready to be vulnerable. Being in a relationship means that you’re a team! Keep secrets with your partner, not from your partner.
Step 14: Male friends- Platonic friendship is an oxymoron! All men have a motive! Friendship is the key to romance and men use this approach to get close to a woman’s heart, mind, and body! Your partner should be your one and only male friend! Keep the peace in your relationship by dismissing them all!
Step 15: Single friends- You’re in a relationship now! From time to time, your single friends will invite you out to share their world, but instead, invite them in to come and share yours instead. Use this as an opportunity to show your single friends the value in being in a committed relationship while also strengthening yours.
Step 16: Engagement- Don’t waste countless years of your life hoping, wishing, and praying for a marriage proposal. A man knows from the very beginning whether he wants to marry you or not. Expect a proposal no later than year two or three.
Step 17: Wedding Plans- Communicate with your partner, set a time-line for the activities leading up to the wedding, as well as a tentative wedding date, work together and find a way to include both parties’ family and friends to help assist. Start planning the wedding within weeks after the engagement.
Step 18: Getting Married- After 2-3 years of following the rules of relationships, you’re certain that you want to spend the rest of your life with this man. Go for it! You are about to become an official team; you are one! Let no one and nothing come between you two. You marriage should be impenetrable and inseparable! Always protect and value this union!
Step 19: Moving in- You’re about to find out new things about your husband. Don’t be alarmed; simply observe, take notes, and prepare to make any necessary adjustments.
Step 20: Relationship Turmoil- Remember all the steps you took to get to where you are, and know that your marriage is worth fighting for. Never stop loving one another. Marriage is forever!

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