Wednesday, December 25, 2013

|MERRY CHRISTMAS WORLD| - Is Christmas Christian?

Read through this Article:
To billions around the world, no time of the year is more eagerly anticipated than the Christmas season. "'Tis the season to be jolly," is how the song goes. Of course, for many people, Christmas can be a depressing season, emphasizing their loneliness and isolation from family.
The Christmas season is the time of year with the greatest number of parties and celebrations, but it is also the time of year with the highest suicide rate.

In recent decades, many have sought to "secularize" Christmas, removing from it all references to Jesus Christ and His birth. In the United States, legal challenges have successfully removed manger scenes from courthouse squares, and have created a climate in which many school choirs avoid singing Christmas carols with religious themes. Yet, as much as references to Jesus Christ and His birth have been downplayed, Santa Claus has become an unavoidable part of the season.

Millions of evangelicals have been deeply troubled by these trends. Feeling that they are in a battle with hostile secular forces that seek to eliminate everything that points to Christ and the Bible, they want to "reclaim" Christmas from the secularists.

Millions more are simply turned off or offended by the crass commercialism associated with the Christmas season. Christmas has become a sales gimmick in the modern-day U.S.—and in Canada. Christmas-related sales are the key component of yearly profit margins for most retail sales operations. That is why, by the beginning of November, familiar Christmas music blares from the public address systems of malls across North America. Retailers are trying to get the public "in the mood" to begin Christmas shopping early.

Decrying the commercial exploitation of the holiday season—and deeply bothered by efforts to remove all reference to God and the Bible from public life—many well-meaning religious people are demanding that Christ be put back into Christmas. The secularists, they claim, have hijacked a sacred Christian holiday for their own ends.

Western society is increasingly described as "post-Christian," and secular elites have been dubbed "the new pagans." In such an environment, should Christians join together to somehow reclaim Christmas? In a society that is more and more disconnected from God, can this disconnect be healed by encouraging more references to Jesus Christ during the Christmas season?

What approach does God want His people to take regarding Christmas? Is Jesus Christ, in fact, "the reason for the season?" You may be shocked to learn that Christmas is actually not Christian in its origins! For centuries before Jesus Christ's birth in Bethlehem, December 25 was associated with decorating evergreen trees, exchanging gifts and carousing at parties and celebrations.

How did Christmas become the chief "Christian" holiday? Is it—and can it be—Christian at all? You can search the New Testament from start to finish, and you will never find a reference to any sort of Christmas party. Moreover, you will never read of a religious service held to commemorate Jesus' birth.

But if the first Christians did not celebrate Christmas, then why did they not do so? When and how did this celebration achieve such prominence on the calendar of professing-Christian churches?

Where Did Christmas Originate?
Did you know that there were Christmas celebrations in Rome long before there were any in Jerusalem? How could a holiday that most associate with Jesus Christ of Nazareth have its origins in Babylon and Egypt many centuries before His birth? And how could such a holiday come to be so widely accepted as Christian?

To help us understand, we can look at the word "Christmas" itself. It means "mass of Christ," and has its origins in the practices of the Roman Catholic Church. Yet even Catholic sources acknowledge that Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the church, and that it does not have apostolic origins. Notice: "Christmas (i.e. the Mass of Christ), in the Christian Church, the festival of the nativity of Jesus Christ… As late as 245 Origen, in his eighth homily on Leviticus, repudiates as sinful the very idea of keeping the birthday of Christ 'as if he were a king Pharaoh.' The first certain mention of Dec. 25 is in a Latin chronographer of A.D. 354, first published entire by Mommsen.… [December 25 was] a Mithraic feast and is by the chronographer above referred to, but in another part of his compilation, termed natalis invicti solis, or birthday of the unconquered Sun" (Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th ed., article: "Christmas").

The New Testament makes certain key dates plain; for example, it tells us that Jesus Christ died on the day of the Passover. Yet Scripture does not mention the date of Jesus' birth, and does not recount any Christians celebrating His birthday. In fact, the Bible associates the celebration of birthdays with the practices of heathen kings, and never mentions such celebrations in a positive light. This is why Origen—one of the early "Fathers" of the Roman Church, writing in the third century—was shocked at the very idea of celebrating the Savior's birthday.

When the early Roman Church established a festival to celebrate the Messiah's birth, it timed that festival to coincide with an existing pagan festival celebrating the birthday of the sun god. By co-opting existing pagan rituals and customs, the church sought to win the pagan masses to its idea of Christianity, allowing converts to continue to practice familiar customs—just calling them by different names.

The "mother and child" motif in religion was well known in the ancient pagan world. The ancient Babylonians and Egyptians worshipped a "Madonna" whom they revered as the "Queen of Heaven"—a title that the Roman Church would apply centuries later to Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Egypt, Isis was the mother and Horus was the child. In Mesopotamia it was Ishtar and Tammuz.

These stories trace back to Semiramis and Nimrod, in the early years after Noah's flood. Nimrod was a mighty hunter (see Genesis 10–11), and led mankind's rebellion against God at the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was one of the chief architects of the human civilization that began at Babylon, and that spread around the world as people migrated to repopulate the earth after the great flood.

The real origin of Christmas goes back to these ancient times, before it was carried forward by an apostate "Christian" church. The winter solstice—the day with the shortest daylight in the northern hemisphere—was anciently associated with the birth of the sun god. It was a time of festivity. Called Saturnalia by the Romans, this holiday was a time very reminiscent of our modern Christmas, when gifts were given, hostilities ceased, civic functions were suspended and parties were held. "It was usual for friends to make presents to one another; all animosity ceased, no criminals were executed, schools were shut, war was never declared, but all was mirth, riot, and debauchery" (Lempriere's Classical Dictionary, article: "Saturnalia").

Jesus Was Not Born in Winter
"Christmas" festivities are not just "pre-Christian"—dating to pagan worship of the sun god—they in fact have no connection to the date of birth of the true Messiah, Jesus Christ. How do we know this? While the Bible does not explicitly tell us the exact day of Jesus' birth, it gives us clear evidence of the approximate time. From Scripture, it becomes obvious that winter is the one season in which Jesus could not have been born.

Luke tells us that on the night of Jesus' birth, the shepherds were still keeping watch over their flocks in the field (Luke 2:8). In ancient Israel, the rainy season began after the Feast of Tabernacles (which generally occurs in early October). By November, when the weather was turning cool and wet, the shepherds had already brought their flocks in from pasture and were keeping them in winter quarters. Shepherds were no longer spending the nights in the fields with the sheep, as they had done from the beginning of spring through the early fall season.

Another vital piece of evidence is overlooked by most. From Luke 1:35–36 we learn that John the Baptist, born to Mary's cousin Elizabeth, was approximately six months older than Jesus. We are told that John's father, Zacharias, was an elderly priest officiating in the temple, burning incense on the altar when an angel appeared to tell him that he and his wife would have a son who would prepare the way for the Messiah (vv. 8–17). We know approximately when the angel made this announcement, because we are told that Zacharias was "of the course of Abijah" (v. 5, KJV).

What was the "course of Abijah"? Centuries earlier, in the days of King David, there had been many priests. King David divided them into 24 "courses" (or groups) that served by rotation in the temple (1 Chronicles 24:1–19). The course of Abijah was the eighth of the 24 courses, and would normally have done its first week of service around the end of May. As Pentecost, the second of the three great pilgrim festivals, came the week after the eighth course served—and all 24 courses served during each of the three festival seasons—Zacharias could not have begun his return home until after the first week of June, or thereabouts. If John the Baptist was conceived shortly after his return home, near the middle of June, his birth would have been nine months later—around mid-March. Jesus, who was six months younger, would thus have been born soon after mid-September. This, of course, would have been while the shepherds were still staying with the fields at night with their flocks (Luke 2:8).

Consider also the traditional image of the three wise men who, together with the shepherds, are commonly represented standing in the stable to celebrate the newly born Messiah.

The Bible nowhere says that there were three wise men, and it makes clear that they did not come until at least a few weeks after His birth—by which time Jesus and His parents were living in a house (Matthew 2:11). We are told that these Magi came from the east. In first century parlance, this usually meant that they came from beyond the Euphrates River (which was then the eastern border of the Roman Empire). East of the Euphrates was the Parthian Empire, home to many remnants of the ten tribes of Israel who had gone into Assyrian captivity more than seven centuries earlier.

The Magi arrived at the king's palace in Jerusalem several weeks after Jesus' birth, looking for the Messiah. They had seen a mysterious "star" in the east, which had prompted them to make their journey to Judea. Upon hearing from the Magi about the timing of the star's appearance, and what it portended, Herod ordered the slaughter of all boys in Bethlehem aged two years and younger (Matthew 2:16).

We know from Luke 2:22 that Jesus' parents presented Him in the temple when He was 40 days old (cf. Leviticus 12:2–4), so they were still in the Jerusalem area when He was nearly six weeks old. Yet the family fled to Egypt, spurred by a warning Joseph received in a dream, immediately after the Magi visited them (Matthew 2:13–14). Clearly, the Magi did not arrive until well after Christ's birth.

What Difference Does It Make?
Almost every year, newspapers and magazines will publish articles pointing out that Christmas customs originate not from the Bible, but from pagan antiquity. Most readers, when faced with these facts, simply say: "I don't see what difference it makes," and continue with their Christmas preparations. Millions of professing Christians insist that, regardless of what pagan practices might lie behind the origin of Christmas, they celebrate the holiday to honor Christ.

Does that make Christmas acceptable to God?

Several centuries ago, Scripture became widely available in English as Protestant believers threw off the shackles of the medieval Roman Catholic monopoly on the Bible. Eager Bible students found themselves wrestling with many issues as they looked into God's word. One issue was the celebration of Christmas. What conclusion did they reach? According to the eleventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica: "In 1644 the English puritans forbade any merriment or religious services [on Christmas] by act of Parliament, on the ground that it was a heathen festival" (article: "Christmas"). When King Charles II restored the monarchy, this ban was lifted, but the ban remained in many of North America's early colonial settlements. Not until the 1840s was Christmas accepted as a legal holiday in Massachusetts.

Ask yourself a simple question. Should those who claim to be Christian take the Bible seriously? In Jeremiah 10:2, God declared to His people through the pen of the prophet: "Do not learn the way of the Gentiles." He went on to state that "the customs of the peoples are futile," that is, they are utterly empty and useless. God wants His people to follow His instructions, not to look at pagan practices and seek to copy them. What kind of empty, pagan customs was Jeremiah talking about in Jeremiah 10? The specific example in that chapter involved going out into the woods, cutting a tree and bringing it home to set it upright and decorate it (vv. 3–4). Does this sound amazingly like putting up a Christmas tree? It should.

Jesus declared: "And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men" (Mark 7:7). Those who wish to use Christmas to worship Christ are faced with a dilemma: do they follow the pattern of worship prescribed in Scripture, or do they cling to cherished customs, regardless of when and how those customs originated? Jesus censured many of the religious leaders of His day because they rejected the commandments of God in order to keep their own traditions (v. 9).

Would Jesus say those same words to you, based upon your actions and your choices?

When the ancient Israelites were ready to enter the Promised Land, they were warned against adopting religious customs from the surrounding nations (Deuteronomy 12:30–31). God told them instead to observe all the things that He instructed them, neither adding nor taking away from what He had taught (v. 32).

So, instead of seeking to put Christ back into Christmas, we must acknowledge that He was never there in the first place! Christmas never was Christian! True Christians will give it back to the pagans, to whom it has belonged all along! Instead of borrowing from the world around us, we ought to take our religious customs and practices directly from the Bible. Then we will be worshiping our Creator in spirit and truth, just as He teaches us to do (John 4:24).

Thursday, December 12, 2013

|Music+Entertainment| - #Newsong 'Merry Christmas' By Waje

The African soul diva 'WAJE', laces her stellar vocal on the groovy beat to celebrate the season and the birth of Jesus in her new song titled ‘Merry Christmas’
#produced by Tee-Y Mix

#Get the song right now.. #Enjoy and share with you family and friends..

Friday, December 6, 2013

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - 10 Dating Tips for Christian Singles


You are dating an incredibly good-looking guy. You both feel the attraction building up. What do you do? Now is not the time to decide! It’s too difficult to think when passion overtakes you. You must decide before you go on the date what your limits will be.

1) Do not be unequally yoked.
Take II Cor. 6:14 seriously.

Don't team up with those who are unbelievers. How can righteousness be a partner with wickedness? How can light live with darkness? (NLT)

If you are dating someone who doesn’t have a personal relationship with Christ, you are playing with fire. If you fall in love, what will you do? Don’t let the relationship progress to a physical point and then hope you can cut it off later.

2) Put on the armor of God daily.
You need all the help you can get in today’s world. Are you spending time with God? Do you depend on Him to meet your needs of love and security? You can resist temptation if you put on the whole armor of God (Eph. 6:10-20).

3) Put obedience over passion.
Not everything we do that’s right, feels good. In fact, usually the opposite is true. It feels incredibly good to give in to passion. But, the authority of Christ needs to take precedence over your physical drives. Society tells you to give in to the moment. Christ tells you to be obedient to His word.

4) Physical expression must be appropriate.
Physical touch/intimacy should correspond with commitment. This doesn’t mean anything goes if you are engaged. Physical touch should be in the context of a meaningful relationship, not reduced to satisfaction of personal need.

5) Limits must be set mutually.
Both partners should take responsibility for setting limits. Mutual boundary keeping reflects maturity.

6) Examine your personal motives.
What is your motivation -- power and control, gratifying your own ego, meeting a selfish need, or genuine affection?

7) Is there too much physical and too little other?
If the social, emotional, spiritual dimensions are missing or lacking, you are out of balance. If you can’t stand the person but have a great physical relationship, rethink the relationship.

8) Less is better.
If one person is uncomfortable with any type of physical expression, don’t do it. You should respect and honor each other. Don’t push a date to do anything that makes him/her feel uncomfortable.

9) Be guided by love versus lust.
Love is the fruit of the Spirit. From love comes self-control. Operate in love, not lust.

10) Allow the Holy Spirit to direct and lead you.
If you feel convicted of certain behaviors, stop doing them.

Special Note: If you are a teen, you must honor your parents and respect their counsel (Ephesians 6:2-3). You are subject to parental authority. Don’t be sexually active just because you can get away with it.

|Musico-tainment|- #Must-Watch! [Really Amazing] 'Christmas-Classic-Music/Video'

'Wanna enjoy a music that sounds so good for this xmas season?
Then Go-Watch this [Amazing-Acapella-Group's] Christmas Classic Music/Video.

You will love it! #follow the link to Download the music-video.
Happy viewing!


Thursday, December 5, 2013

|SoulMusic+Singspiration| - #Newsong: 'AKA' by Promise Benson

Y'hello GoodPeople!

PROMISE BENSON, a music producer and also a prolific writer with a degree in sociology and a diploma In public admin from the University of Abuja. Has just dropped a new single titled 'AKA' were he featured the boogie master himself 'samsong'

#Go on, download the song, Enjoy the music and feel free to share with your family and loved ones.

#SupportGospel Music


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

|Capstone Records| - Brings To You [The Twist - Christmas Vibe]

Y'hello GoodPeople!
Capstone Records+Gerryblings Entertainment brings to you

|The Twist|-christmas vibe, now available online for Download.
A song put together for the season..
#By Bnach and Phoortunes
#Productions by Amaboi

|Sights|-Danny, Magareth, Amaboi, Bnach & Phoortunes
#Make it your song
#SupportGospel Music


Sunday, December 1, 2013

|Photo'Tainment| - #Gospel Singers - Jahdiel and Eben's white wedding

We wanna say Congratulations are in order.
This are some of the Sights and Photo-shots at the wedding event of #Gospel Singers 'Jahdiel and Eben'
Happy Viewing:

Saturday, November 30, 2013

|Love+Relationship| - #God's Way - "Making your Relationship WORK.

Wow! You finally met your "Adam" -your boo! And you looooove him so much! So much.. sometimes, you want to EXPRESS it physically by kissing, rubbing, cuddling.. or maybe even sex. YOU want to feel close to him ...BUT deep down, YOU want your relationship to glorify God. YOU don't want your relationships to mirror your past relationships but you can't quite figure out how to "court" or date .. God's way. You KEEP taking your past ways of thinking from the world.. into your courting relationship and you find yourself having to choose between GOD and your man, often. So you both have sex, repent and give that area to God.. OVER & OVER again. You're TIRED. You WANT to live for GOD for real but you aren't convinced that you should break up with your boo. YOU want to make things work but you just cannot figure out how to turn off that switch. You could be engaged and SO close to the wedding day-- HOW do you abstain?!?

SO, let's first quickly break down the difference between courting & dating.

[Dating vs. Courting]
Before we even get into that-- let's just make sure that we're ALL on the same page. YOU don't get into a relationship with an unbeliever. (2 Corinthians 6:14-15). SOOO, if he says he's a Christian, but he wants to be a drug-dealing, thug rapper that curses every 5 minutes-- he aint the one. OR to bring it closer to home.. if he goes to "church" but tries to screw you every 5 minutes, HE aint the one. A tree is identified by it's FRUIT. FRUIT of your salvation is a changed life. You can't just "say" you're a Christian cuz you go to church. Demons can do that.

Takes the position that the two people have no physical contact at all (no touching, no hand-holding, no kissing) until marriage.
Many in a courtship relationship will not spend any time together unless family members, preferably parents, are present at all times.
Courting couples state up front that their intentions are to see if the other person is a suitable potential marriage partner.
Courtship allows for the two people to truly get to know each other in a more platonic setting without the pressures of physical intimacy or emotions clouding their view.

Spends a ton of time alone which presents a ton of temptations
Family isn't as involved
Foreplay, not going all the way, going all the way, "test driving each other"
No clear purpose-- just a lot of conditional dating & confusion on "where is this relationship going??!)
Plays house. Calls each other wifey & hubby & does husband & wife-like things but has no commitment
There's still a option to date others, ya'll aren't totally sold & still "trying each other out"

[HOW to make sure your relationship GLORIFIES God]

1. STOP having sex. If you're having sex & ya'll aint married. JUST STOP IT! HAVING sex is SEPARATING you from GOD! God may be trying to speak to you concerning that guy.. but you can't hear because your vision is all clouded because you're in "love"-- you aint in love, you're in lust. LOVE waits until marriage. So first step-- go to God-- MAKE sure that God is ok with you even staying with that person. Real talk. HE is JEALOUS for you. If God is cool with you staying with him (and BOTH sides have repented and made a decision to honor God) then start this journey on the same PAGE (amos 3:3). Meaning you SET up some boundaries. STOP cuddling, rubbing, putting yourself in 1:1 situations and if it's late, you shouldn't be at each others house!

And let's clear this up-- if you cannot STOP having sex-- lasciviousness has crept into your relationship. NOW you cannot find the breaks or STOP having sex. BUT you can. YOU will desire whatever you put in front of you & give your attention to.. so tell your little flesh to shut up & be determined to obey GOD. Remember, that man didn't PAY the price for you. Christ did. So he should keep his paws off your body that doesn't belong to either one of you until you get MARRIED.
And for those of you who are smiling as you read this & thinking.. "we haven't had sex.. we have messed around but haven't gone the whole way"-- well, babygirl, I'm talking to YOU as well. Do you think that God doesn't look at ya'll playing around with the SAME destest?! It's a MINDSET.. "BE HOLY as HE is HOLY"- 1 Peter 1:16

And if you don't believe me that it's wrong to have sex outside of marriage, it's clear here: "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body." - 1 Corinthians 6:18

2. Guard your heart. (Proverbs 4:23) STOP watching stupid reality TV songs, going to clubs, love-sex songs, pornography or blogs. DO you know that those things plant seeds in  your heart. Then, you wonder why you want to live it out & be sexual with  your guy! SO stop being all sexual as you sing & dance a beyonce song to your guy. Even IF you're joking. Men are visual & their APPLIANCES work. WHY test it out?

3. Actions. Are you super sexual? Do you dance in front of him a ton? Do you change in front of him or wear low-cut shirts? Do you wear bikinis around him at the pool? JUST STOP!
I mean.. why by the milk if you're getting to see EVERY part of the cow for free..

4. Tell your emotions to shut up. So of COURSE you want to lay up, kiss, cuddle and do all of those things but at SOME point, you just have to tell your emotions to calm DOWN. When you finally take a stand & obey GOD in your relationship-- the flesh won't have a foothold in your heart-- THEN you'll be able to pass some tests. WHEN you honor God-- he will OVERWHELM you with honor. I'm watching the Lord do that in our life.
SO, take ya tail home at night. Tell each other NO. LOVE God more than you love each other.

5. GOD has to be first. This is so cliche. But it's the truth & this will never change. the above 4 reasons won't happen unless GOD is really first in  your heart. Spend DAILY time with Him, apply what you learned, serve in your local church, walk in love, pray earnestly for your guy, forgive whoever hurt you-- DO your part. When TWO believers come together with their hearts committed to Christ.. YOU both turn into a POWER COUPLE.

6. Spend time with God. THIS will be included in EVERY blog that I do. THIS will never change. When you stay connected with God.. you won't WANT to sin. YOU will WANT to please GOD. YOU WANT what you put IN front of your face.

If you wonder why jealousy, envy, and being controlling is involved in a relationship, it's evident of WHO you let into your relationship. When you have sex outside of marriage it introduces feelings & unhealthy emotions. WHY even open yourself UP to the devil? YOU belong to whoever you obey. Sounds kinda harsh right? ...Well, I didn't say it-- it is written; Titus 1:16 "They claim to know God, but by their actions they deny him. They are detestable, disobedient and unfit for doing anything good." & John 8:44: "You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire"

I'm not saying this to beat you down-- I'm trying to CHALLENGE you to change your LIFE & chose GOD over a piece of non-committed meat.A relationship can either be a distraction that leaves you stuck in a ditch-- hurt, confused or frustrated-- or it can be a bridge that PUSHES you towards Christ. If you've messed up in your relationships.. make a decision to start new! Don't think.. oh, we messed up & God can't use us and we won't have the story that "we waited"-- DO what GOD is instructing YOU to do.

DO you not know that what you PUT in YOU illuminates OUTSIDE of you?!? Put in God's word, study, prayer--we can see your heart.. filled with purity and a "glow" about you. If you're sleeping with your guy.. we can see it in  your eyes. So change. Not for people. But for YOU & GOD. You're so valuable. So beautiful. Start living, thinking& acting like it.

#Let's do this right.
God loves you like crazy,

Saturday, November 23, 2013

|Music+Singspiration| - #NewSong, By Chiika 100% - I'VE COME TO WORSHIP (THANK GOD)

Lovely Peeps & Tweethearts!

It's here, another new single from Chiika100% titled 'I'VE COME TO WORSHIP (THANK GOD)'.
Productions by Dr. Paul. Please download, listen and share with your family and friends. It's one perfect song for thanksgiving to Our Great God.


#Make it your song for this year
#SupportGospel Music

|Phototainment| - #Few Sights @Tiwa and Teebillz wedding event


Few photos & sights, @TeeBillz and Tiwa Savage wedding event, after the cut..
Happy Viewing!

|Music+Singspiration| - #Coming Soon.. [The Twist] BNACH+Phoortunes; 'xmas-vibe' and one more.

Y'hello lovely Peeps & Tweethearts!

In collaboration, CAPSTONE Media & Gerryblings Entertainment will shortly bring to, a song for the season..
[The Twist] BNACH+Phoortunes; 'xmas-vibe' (Official singles)
#Make it your song this xmas..

And one more song 'ONLY YOU' by our very own friend and brother Phoortunes.

#Be Part of the drive..
#SupportGospel Music!

Jah Bless!

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - How to be a Good Wife? #Keeping the Man Happy

GOOD Read People!
I am a film believer of ‘what you give is what you get in return’ as far as human behavior is concerned. If you are a good wife to your Husband and treat him right, he would cherish you, love you and nurture you in return.

Want to know how to keep your Husband happy? Here are some of the Qualities a man looks in his wife.

1) Be pleasant: It is said that 'we need to treat others the way we want ourselves to be treated’. Never be rude to our husband, family and friends. Be warm, kind, positive, understanding and friendly. Work to be pleasant toward your husband. Don’t be one of those people who make everyone around feel bad just because they have had a hard day. Welcome your husband with a smile when he comes home instead of a sour face. A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Listen to him talk about his day especially if it was a difficult one. If you don't like how you partner treats you, take a minute to notice how you treat your partner and correct your behavior.

2) Treat your Husband with Respect: If you expect respect from others we need to treat others with respect too. Haven’t we all heard ‘Give respect and take respect’? Respect can be reflected in the way one talks and behaves. Always speak in a loving way and refrain from speaking in a harsh manner. A good wife respects her hubby and she never chooses to belittle strike, humiliate or otherwise harm him in private nor in public. It is better to watch what you say and think before speaking as it is not possible to take back the words once they are said. A good wife will treat her man with respect in front of others and at home.

3) Communicate: Communication is the key to a good and solid marriage. Do not hide things from your husband or keep secrets after marriage. Be honest to him. Find time to sit and talk with your husband on a daily basis even if it is for only half an hour. If you let things bottle up and feel that you cannot share with your husband anything then your marriage is in trouble. Be a good listener when your husband is talking. You may have a dozen important things to tell him but allow him to talk first. Don't greet him with complaints and problems the moment he comes back from work. Good Communication also helps to build trust and strengthen your relationship. After marriage the wife and husband are a team or partners. Do not take any major decisions about the family without consulting with husband. Fights or problems may happen in between the two but do not let the world know about it rather solve it between yourselves. The fight you had last week over shopping or whatever is over and done with. So move on with it and stop rehashing old stuff and reminding him of his faults. Do not resort to name calling, hitting, spitting, breaking dishes or anything else when you lose your temper. If you do he may actually start to fall out of love with you and you could lose him all together.

4) Be Supportive: A husband expects wife’s support and understanding especially in times of troubles. A good wife loves her hubby through his successes and failures and provides reassurance when he's feeling down. She is a nurturer and an equal partner in the marriage. Support your husband in all stages of his career and life. Do not belittle your man or hurt his ego. It is often heard saying that ‘a wife can make a man or break a man’. There’s no quicker way to build resentment in your man than to criticize him or belittle him especially in front of others. Be proud of him on his accomplishments and genuinely complement him. If you do this you can expect your husband to behave with you in the same manner and also respect you more for your support and thoughtfulness. When you don’t agree with him respectfully let him know you don’t agree.

5) Do not nag: No man would like a nagging wife. If you want to get your own way ask him nicely. Many wives think that is the only way to get her husband to do things is by nagging. But the truth is that your nagging can create unwanted rift or can make things worse between the two of you. Your husband is a grown man with his own thoughts and desires. Just because you think he should be doing something particular doesn't mean he has to do it.

6) Give him his space: As a wife you need to understand that your husband has a life other than you also. He has his family, friends and colleagues who too are part of his life. He also may have some hobbies or passions he is involved in. Don’t expect his undivided attention. Don’t stop him if he wants to go out and hang out with his friends sometimes or engage in a hobby or sport that he likes. An interfering wife can sometimes be too irritating.

7) Keep him happy in Bed: Sexual intimacy is one of the most essential things in any marriage. When you please your man, he would be obliged to please you too. Please your man in bed. If you cannot keep your man happy in Bed he may go where he can get it. After all, a Man is a man! According to research, the major reason why men cheat is mostly physical whereas for a woman it is emotional.

8) Plan Surprises: Men like surprises too. It can be anything like organizing his birthday party without him knowing about it or planning a special night of passion by playing a seductress. Your surprises do not have to be elaborate and can be as simple as making him his favorite snack or any of his favorite dishes once in a while even if you would rather eat something else.

9) Express your love and appreciation often: Men likes praises and appreciation. Make the best of your time together. Men like to hear the words ‘I love you’ too. Also join him in activities that he's interested in even though you would have preferred to do something else. Give him a thoughtful gift once in a while. Make it a point never to forget the special days in his life. Pamper him very often, especially when he is at home. You can even cook for him or give him a good massage. Making him dependent on you by doing his chores when he is at home is not a bad idea. Let him miss you and think about you when you are not around. These gestures won’t go unnoticed and it may even inspire him to do something nice for you. Don't withhold affection.

10) Honesty, Loyalty and Dedication: A good wife would be honest, loyal and dedicated to her husband. Marriage is a lifelong commitment and the vows you have taken at the time of marriage should be kept in all conditions.

11) Prepare yourself: A good wife honors her hubby by keeping a pleasant tone in her voice, a happy smile on her face and a neat and clean appearance. Take special care about your appearance and every day. Include exercises or yoga in your daily routine. Be hygienic. Some woman feel that once they are married why they should dress up or take care of their appearance. A man likes his wife to smell good. If you are unhealthy or not presentable your man may cheat you behind your back.

12) Prepare the House: Maintain a clean house all the time. Clear away the clutter and spend time decorating the house. Apart from this be wise with money and take all the responsibilities of a wife seriously without complaining.

Do you want a Good Husband who would love you and cherish you? Then treat him exactly the way you want him to treat you. If you want your Husband to treat you like a Queen, you should treat him like a King. In this modern world where most Wives also work the above advice may not be fully practical. But at least some efforts can be put to put these tips into practice. If you are working, you may keep a maid for doing the household chores of cooking, cleaning etc.

I am sure any man would be happy to get a good wife with all the above said qualities. Anyways, I have some advice for Men who were overjoyed seeing this Hub. Marriage is a two sided relationship and you have to play your role too in a perfect manner if you expect your wife to be an ideal one.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

|Music+Singspiration| - PREYE's (My Script Album) + New Singles, Officially Out.

Y'hello lovely fans and Tweethearts!

It's finally here.. Up & Running..
You All go download this songs from one of our very own favorite and special Gospel music Artiste 'Preye Odede' from his new
|'My Script' Album|

the Official release date, 20th November 2013;
Now Available; Go get it @Stores and CD-Outlets.
#SupportGospel Music

Preye is a sensational gospel music minister
with sweet rhythm imbedded in him. Although he
has been behind the scene for quite a
while Preye has perfected his skills and has finally drop his album: My Script.

Below are promo tracks from Preye’s Album
Follow the links to Download:
•Na to you
•Onye di ka gi




Sunday, November 17, 2013

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - Is He Ready To Meet Your Friends? When To Introduce Him To Friends

Even before the advent of online dating, it’s always been a conundrum when to introduce your new love interest to friends and family. For starters, you don’t want to scare him or her off because your family is intense or freaky, or chilly and distant, or loud and boisterous. You know all their limitations; they’re YOUR family. And then there’s your friends. And because they are your friends, they’re looking out for you, they’ve got your back. When you put your friends and your new relationship together, there’s no such thing as a “casual” first meet.

My friends who have who met their match online have offered a slew of advice on this trenchant matter. “Introduce them at your wedding day,” one woman bluntly said. “When you’re past the “just started dating” stage,” a male friend opined.

It has been duly noted that female friends love to meet any guy their girlfriend is dating and feel it’s important to give feedback to their friend about her new liaison. How men feel about this is another story. “It’s like standing before a firing squad,” one man said who has gone through it several times.  “You just pray you survive.”

The most common rule of thumb when to make introductions is as soon as you know the relationship is “going somewhere.”

“When it’s exclusive,” is what many people believe.

It’s more common to introduce someone you’re dating to friends before family.

“Friends a couple of months into the dating,” one man said. “Family – only when you’re ready to put a ring on it.”

On the other hand, some people start the introduction process even before the first wink or text or date. “I like to show my friends the man’s profile pic and how he described himself on his page,” a single friend said. “My weakness is I tend to fall fast for a handsome face, so I rely on my girlfriends, sometimes even my teenage daughter, to take a look and tell me what they think. Usually they’re much sharper than me on figuring out whether a photo has been photo-shopped, or if the person is just throwing out a load of crap.”

At the end of the day, there is no “right” time frame.

“When the time is right, you’ll know,” a man who dates often said. “And if you never want to introduce the person, that’s a sign you shouldn’t be dating them.”

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - How To Tell If He's The One Is He The Right Guy For You?

So you’re dating a man, and within a date or two, you’re falling head over heels. Pheromones can do that, physical attraction is immediate, but the draw can be, unfortunately, superficial. To get some insight into the bigger question—whether the two of you can go the distance--is a bit trickier and requires some hard questions and self-reflection.

How to tell if he’s the right guy for you is a uniquely individual process. It’s funny how that works. It may seem as if everyone you know has an idea of who should be your perfect next spouse or partner.  But only you can know if someone has the potential to be a solid match. Need help figuring out how that goes? Try answering these highly pertinent questions.

Does he have a sense of humor that dovetails with yours?

Does he make you laugh?

Are your waking/sleeping schedules compatible? It’s a bummer to make it work when he’s a perpetually early riser and you’re the lie-in type.

Do you like the same kind of food? Drink about the same amount of alcohol?

If you’ve been dating long enough for him to meet your friends and family, does he get along with them?

Do you get along with his?

What about kids—yours and his? Do you like his ? Do yours like him?

Are you about equally adventurous when it comes to taking risks?

Do you have the same views about money?

Is he more extravagant than you—or a whole lot stingier?

How well do you work together on a shared project?

Do you think he's too smart--or not nearly as smart as you?

Do you like the way he solves problems, even minor ones?

Do you respect him? Does he respect you?

If you can answer these questions honestly and still feel good, it’s entirely possible that you’ve met the person who’s right for you. Of course there are other factors that come into play such as physical attraction, financial matters, and geography.

Chances are you’ve already been in a relationship where the other person was less than ideally suited to you. History doesn’t have to be repeated it’s all up to you.
But a good way to start building a solid relationship is asking yourself some questions and giving yourself some honest answers.

|Love, Sex & Relationship| - 10 Tips On how to have the life and the happiness you deserve

How to meet and marry the man of your dreams, and how to have the life you want and the happiness you deserve!

#Culled from "Love for Grown-ups": The Garter Brides’ Guide to Marrying for Life When You’ve Already Got a Life, the Garter Brides (Ann Blumenthal Jacobs, Tish Rabe and Patricia Ryan Lampl), a sisterhood of girlfriends who wore the same garter at their weddings, offers lots of tips for women over 40, including how to meet and marry the man of your dreams, and how to have the life you want and the happiness you deserve!

Here are their top ten tips:
1. Leave the past in the past
When you meet someone new, leave any negative feelings or past heartbreaks just where they should be—in the past.

2. You won’t meet someone new in your living room
Well, maybe a cute guy will deliver your new sofa, but chances are you’re going to meet someone by getting out there and trying new things—online dating, taking a class, etc. Tell everyone, especially your married friends, that you’re looking to meet someone and ALWAYS go to parties. Because you truly never know who you’ll meet.

3. Give the guy a chance
When you were 20 your list was “he must be tall, dark and handsome.” Try going against type. It just might be a perfect fit.

4. Look at blind dates like a first date
Two of the authors of our book met their husbands on blind dates, and you can too! If you’re not sure you want to sit in a noisy restaurant, go out and do something fun. One of our Garter Brides went to a baseball game, and she and her date each brought a friend. They had a blast and got married one year later.

5. Time is on your side
Take your time in getting to know your guy and don’t feel in a rush to meet his children or have him meet yours. It starts with the two of you. Make sure this is someone you want in your life.

6. Isn’t it romantic?
Just because you’re meeting the love of your life later in life doesn’t mean you can’t still have passionate, amazing sex! The Garter Brides say “Go for it!”

7. Someone to come home to
When you’re ready to move in together you will discover how wonderful it is to come home to the one you love. Be prepared for some give and take—for example, over which of each others’ belongings stay or go.

8. What’s up with a pre-nup?
Remember that a pre-nup isn’t because you think your marriage isn’t going to work—it’s so you get to decide how your assets and everything you’ve worked for can be protected.

9. Your wedding, your way
Now you’re in love and it’s time to have your wedding exactly how you want it. The Garter Brides have had all kinds of weddings! Remember it is all about you and the man of your dreams. Whatever you want is the way to go.

10. Happily ever after can happen to you
Remember what the Garter Brides always say: “It’s never too late to find true love. We did, and you can too!’

|Entertainment Gist| - Photo Speaks: Happy Married Life To Peter Okoye (P-Square)

Big Congrats to Peter Okoye & Lola Omotayo on their wedding day;
These are few shots taken at the event and sights of people present at the event..
Happy Viewing!